I closed my contract with O2 last September (thankfully!). I would like to know why, despite having transferred my phone numbers to Vodafone, an invoice of 9.38 euros continues to arrive every two months. I cannot even check why you are taking this amount from me without my permission as I can no longer enter my O2 app.
edit o2_Tobias: transferred from the English thread Contract to Vertragsabschluss because of double-posting
Hi, bitte wende dich mit der Kundennummer von Bankkontoauszug an den Kundenservice.
Bei der Rufnummer-Abfage einfach ‘weiter' sagen,
Bis du einen O2 Mitarbeiter dran hast.
oder hier mit viel Geduld einige Tage auf einen O2 Moderator warten.
Hallo @MaoSpa,
konnte sich dein Anliegen klären lassen und kannst du die Abbuchungen nun zuordnen oder benötigst du dazu von uns noch Unterstützung?
Hi @MaoSpa,
welcome to our English Community.
I am glad that you have contacted us here. The amount of 9,38 € is a credit that you have received on 31st July 2019 and that was not payed out to you.
Therefore, we will now transfer this amount to your personal bank account within the next 2 weeks.
Thanks a lot for informing us here.
Loving greetings,