If you sign a new 24 pay monthly contract or extend your current plan to one of the three options mentioned above you will get a discount of 15 instead of 5 EUR EUR each month. The offer applies from August 20th 2019 to January 15th 2020.
Here is the link to our store

These are the details to the Young People offers:
Most favorite tariff o2 Free M Boost (20 GB included) is charged with 19,99 EUR/month. If you spent more than 20 GB you’d better choose o2 Free L with 30 GB data volume. Basic charge 24,99 EUR per month. Still not enough for you? Take a look at o2 Free L Boost (60 GB to go) 29,99 EUR/monthly.
All offers contain a flatrate for calling and texts to all providers inside Germany and an EU Roaming option. You are allowed to share the data volume with your other personal devices by "Connect-Option". Special numbers excluded as well as MMS and video calls.
The offer is only available for the mentioned plans. It can’t be combined with other discounts like “Kombivorteil” or o2 My Handy discount.
Who is meant by Young People?
All young people aged up to 28 years, students even longer if you have a proof you are still matriculated or in training.
If you are not of age yet your parents (resident in Germany) can sign the contract for you and send a copy of your passport.
How to send a proof of age? What kind of proof is accepted?
If you signed the contract or extended successfully please go online to upload a file of :
- copy of your passport
- copy of your student ID
- copy of indenture
These files are accepted: pdf, doc, docx, png or jpg.
Please remember: we need the proof 21 days at the latest
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to get in touch with us.
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