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O2 HomeSpot is really slow. Some doubts.

Good afternoon,

yesterday I received my O2 HomeSpot and I have a contract with an unlimited data tarif. I am writing to you because the speed of the internet is really slow. I have seen other discussions/questions similar to this topic, and I wanted to ask some questions as well. I don’t know if I should have written my doubts in those posts, so I am writing a new one. If I should have used their posts, I apologise. I explain my problem/doubts:

I ran some speed tests, and it reaches an average of 5 Mbits at best, even lower. Here below, I write down some data related to the state of the connection:

RSRP:  -77 dBm
RSRQ: -12 dB
RSSI: -47 dBm
PCI: 326
ID de celda: 10285314
TAC: 14573
EARFCN: 6200


As recommended, I have checked the nearer internet base station in this website , and it seems that there are some restrictions going on. My street is “am vogelsang”, in Göttingen (PLZ 37075). I was wondering if you could inform me if these restrictions are due to an overload of connections, or there is another malfunction at the base station and, if that is the case, if it is being taken care of. I am a bit curious because if I write down another street that is just around the corner (like, literally 1 minute walking from my building), that webpage informs that the connection runs smoothly and without problems.

A few hours ago I tried to explain this problem through O2 Video chat, and the O2 Worker told me that the HomeSpot wasn’t working at all, after seeing the data I have attached above. He adviced me to wait 2 days, and see if it improves. I asked if this problem with the HomeSpot in my street was reported, and he said yes. But he couldn’t explain further if it is due to an overload or malfunctions, the date when it started having problems, and if it was being taken cared of.

When I reboot the homespot device, the speed of the internet improves a bit, and after a few minutes, it goes back to run slow. Sometimes, the colour of the LEDs of the LTE and WiFi change from blue to green. I don’t know if that may help explaining anything, or it means anything at all (sorry again).

Thank you in advance,


11 Antworten


What is the upload value for the speed test? If this is higher than the download value, there is an overload.
You are connected to the tower on the building in Christophorusweg. The tower is directly in front of you.
Can you see the tower? Can you set up the homespot so that the homespot is in “visual contact” with the tower?



If a malfunction is reported, you can unfortunately only wait for it to be rectified.

Hello! Thank you for answering!

I just ran another speed test and, unfortunately, the average of the upload is 4,5 Mb/s, while the download is 2,5 Mb/s. There might be an overload then.
I live in number 1, it’s a little far and I cannot see exactly the tower from here, but my balcony and the HomeSpot are facing towards it.

Thanks again.

Good afternoon,

today I have checked as well the state of the nearer base station using the webpage mentioned above (, and there are still some restrictions going on. I have noticed that when I check the street around the corner (I have used Humboldtallee 23), it seems to be working correctly without any restrictions. How is that possible if both streets/buildings are provided with the same internet connection from the tower on the in Christophorusweg? And I am still wondering about the questions I formulated before.

I am looking foward to hearing from you,


You have to consider the following: There are 3 levels of a fault:
a) Green: No fault
b) Yellow: A disturbance nearby and the users from the disturbed area use the tower near you (possible overload / slow speed)
c) Red: Tower (Cell) is not in operation (malfunction, maintenance, etc.)

It can even happen that a fault or no fault is displayed for a street at different house numbers.

Hello again,

for my street, it continues to be in yellow.

I would like for the O2 staff to check if there is indeed a disturbance nearby which makes the users from that disturbed area use the tower near my street. And as well, answer if that matter is being addressed, because I get very low speed and I have just iniciated the contract. If this is not going to improve, or I get no answer, maybe it would be benefitial to end this contract and obtain DSL. I decided to get the O2 HomeSpot because it would be faster to connect and install everything, instead of DSL and wait for the technician (which I didn’t know if they would be able to come to my house due to the coronavirus situation).
What would be the best approach to this matter? In very few days, my 14 days of trial end, and afterwards I would have to pay to end the contract. I just want to know if this situation with the HomeSpot connection is being addressed, and since when this problem has been reported, because as I say, if it was long time ago and it has not been resolved, the best for me would be finishing the contract.

Thank you, and I am looking foward to hearing from you,


Hello @inesinha29,


our technicians are currently working on the tower in Christophorusweg. The works will be finished by tomorrow evening. Please check if the connection has improved then and let us know.


Kind regards


Good afternoon Giulia,

this morning the internet speed seemed to have improved a little (it reached until 10 Mbs of download), but now it is a disaster (0.5 Mb download, 1.72 upload). I attach a screenshot with the most recent test I’ve performed. Are the technicians still working on the tower? I checked the state of the base station and it seems to be a malfunction.

I would like to know if this is a temporary and concrete problem, or if there has been some problems for a while. In that case, I need to know soon to switch to DSL.

Thank you.

Best wishes.

Hello @inesinha29,


if you look up your adress in our Live Check, you see that there are still works going on. I don’t have an end date anymore :(


Kind regards,


Hello again,

why don’t you have an end date anymore? How can that be possible? Is not supposed the technical department to offer information about the current situation? They MUST know what the problem is, and how to address it. How come they cannot give an estimated time for fixing this problem? What exactly is the problem?

As well, I have been asking repeatedly how long has this problem been going on, when it was first reported, and that was never answered. I need straightforward answers, and not beating around the bush. I have told you before that I don’t have much days left to cancel without cancellation fees, and I need to think what is the best approach for me.
I am paying for the fastest and most expensive tarif, getting most times less than 2 Mbs, and I am not given a clear explanation of the whole situation, not direct answers to questions.

Will this problem with the base station affect in any way to a DSL connection if I change it? will a technician be able to come to make the installations for a router, with this coronavirus situation?

Kind regards.

Hi @inesinha29,


I understand your situation and that it is important for you to know when the connection issue will be solved.


Unfortunately, I cannot give you any end-date at the moment. Be assured that our technicians are doing the best to repair the base-station. But I cannot tell you how long it will take until you have a good connection again. 


But as you activated your tariff “o2 my Data Spot unlimited” already on 30th March, your withdrawal-period of 14 days is already over. If you decide to end your contract, please find all information here: cancellation


If you wish to activate a new DSL-contract, please check first here: availability of DSL


You find our DSL-contracts here: new DSL-tariffs


I regret that I cannot give you more detailed information at the moment, but I hope that this information will be helpful for your decision.


Loving greetings,


how convenient to answer a week later, after my withdrawal period, when I informed from the very first that I did not have much days later. And again none of my questions were answered. At least you answered something back, which is by far more than what you colleague did, so thank you.

Lovely greetings.


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