Warum O2

Legitimation for self-employees and young people

  • 28 December 2015
  • 0 Antworten
  • 2905 Aufrufe
Legitimation for self-employees and young people
Benutzerebene 7

How to authorize for special conditions

If you are self-employed or a young person between the ages of 18 and 28 inclusive you can get special tariffs from o2. Check your needs and go directly to our website.


For young people tariffs you do not need to fill out an extra form as a proof. For such a contract only your age matters! 

The old regulations that parents can also conclude contracts for young people for their children no longer apply. Only the age of the contract holder counts, which must be between 18 and 28 inclusive. As written, only age counts. Even students over 28 are no longer eligible for a young people's rate. The identity card or passport thus serves as legitimation when the contract is concluded.

After you signed your contract as a self-employed person please send a proof within 21 days to entitle for the special conditions.

You can use the following online form (german language):

If you are self-employed or business customer, you can also print the form and send it by post to:

  • Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
    Kundenbetreuung – Legitimation Sonderkonditionen
    90345 Nürnberg


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If you have further question or any comment about this topic and process you can visit our community o2 Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife and write a question! 


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