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Warum O2


I have purchased a phone from O2 on March 9, 2024 with 3 years of installations. Everything was going OK and I was paying the amount every month. However sometimes before I have a call and the O2 team told me somethings related to my phone and the EMI which I did not understand properly. I need to know what is happening, is there anything wrong or not. please help.

Thank you

Edit o2_Cora 29.06.24: Post moved from → O₂ Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife

Edit o2_Kathi 29.12.24 Title adapted for a better overview

Hello @Iphone 15 pro max,

welcome to our o2 Community 😀

I couldn’t find any problems with your payments, everything looks okay to me. Maybe this was a missunderstandig?

It may have been a call for additional offers. If you do not wish to be contacted by phone, you can revoke this individually here:

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Best regards


Hello O2_Gulia,

Thank you so much for the reply.

I have another issue with the sim card bill. I have notice that in this month O2 is charging me another connection bill which I didn't understand because I have given the connection bill once already.Then what is it for? Please clear my confusion. 

Have a very nice day.

Hi @Iphone 15 pro max ,

do you mean the “Einzelverbindungsnachweis”, meaning the part of the bill which shows connections outside of your flat?
These are, like the bill itself, also generated at the end of the billing cycle if connections outside of the flat have been made. You can check the details of the Einzelverbindungsnachweis in your Mein o2 App or website. 

Please let us know if further questions arise.
Have a nice weekend!

Best regards


Can I swipe my phone with iphone 16 promax?

No , thats Not possible…

You must order it separate, but now it’s only possible with a contract…

Hello @Iphone 15 pro max 🙂

right now its only possible to buy it separately with a new mobile contract, like jsc wrote. In further shop updates it may be possible to order it without tariff, but for now it comes with a new contract.

Best regards,


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