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I want to try Huawei B528s-23a (Vodafone Gigacube) to use a O2 HomeSpot router. Device shows connection to the LTE network, but internet does not work. What are the instructions to configure the device to allow mobile internet? 

That router is not allowed, it will not work.



Sorry, I misinformed you. Your router is in the list, so it should work.


Factory reset is always a good thing.


I’ve made factory reset. It did not help. Maybe APN profile settings?

Also relate thread:

The same router with another O2 SIM card (Free S plan) works:

Profile settings: (I did not have any password, it was blank)


Hi @jonnyzzz ,


can you please insert your sim card into the B528s-23a and go online? Then we can take a look if it connects or an error message occurs.


Best regards :relaxed:


Hello @o2_Michi,

I’ve put the Homespot SIM into the Huawei. Turned it on. Now it has LTE but not internet. Do you need me to do anything?

I’ve turned it back to the O2 router. Hope it was enough information colle

Hello @o2_Michi, @o2_Lars. Do you have any updates?

Hello @jonnyzzz,

sorry for the late answer. Due to the current situation answers may take some days. 

Unfortunately we did not have the possibiliy to look into this. Could you be so kind and post a photo of the sticker on the bottom (or back) of the router with the product number and the first 8 digits of the IMEI?



Hello @o2_Lars,

Thank you for turning back. 

The first letters of the IMEI are: 86376903, S/N is: DNLDW19B06000320.

Here is the picture. Sorry for the mess, I tried to hive the full IMEI from the public post. Should you need the full number, please reach me via email


Hi @jonnyzzz,


thanks for your details.


I forwarded now everything to our technical department.


I hope that our technicians can help you. As soon as I have any information for you, I will contact you again.


Loving greetings,


Hello @o2_Tobias, do you probably have any updates from the tech?

Hi @jonnyzzz,


yes, I received an update.


Our technicians checked your sim-card. LTE should normally work at your contact-address. And it does as you told us that the Gigacube works fine with any other o2-sim-card.


It seems that it only does not work with the tariff “o2 my Data Spot unlimited”. We will continue to escalate it to our technicians.


Thanks for your patience.


Loving greetings,




Thanks, @o2_Tobias for the update. I’m really looking forward to it.

The recent firmware update of the O2 HomeSpot router did go smoothly for me


There are several issues with the O2 HomeSpot firmware -

You have on the that  O2 HomeSpot is supported to work with the router! 

I see a weird issue when using the internet from the iPhone and computer - it seems like some connections just stuck. Retry works. For example - opening a link in Safari. For example, it was unstable to connect to ( port 443.


I want to try yet another router to see if it would be better or not. I remember reading some threads here in O2 Community forums saying Huawei is more start and delivers faster connection.

Hi @jonnyzzz,


nice, that the firmware-update was successful for you.


But it seems that you still have some difficulties to open some websites.


Please try to use the IP-address instead of the URL of the website to be connected. It is also a good idea to reset the homespot several times in order that it works smoothly.


Our technicians still try to solve the issue.


I hope that these suggestions are of help to you.


Loving greetings,


Hallo @o2_Tobias,

Thank you for the update! 
It’s indeed sad it takes so much time.

From the other side, it looks like the base station (Cell ID 25915395 / EARFCN 6200) where I’m connected is permanently in the yellow status (for at least 1 month), the internet connection here is quite unstable and slow. Hope it would be improved at some point too. 

I wish I could connect to another base station near me with either O2 Homespot router or a Huawei.  


edit o2_Tobias: thread moved from

Hi @jonnyzzz,


thanks for your reply.


I regret that you are not satisfied with the connection of your homespot.


As I can see, you are connected with the o2 Homespot and I see also good LTE-connections.


Can you confirm that?


Loving greetings,




Hello @o2_Tobias

Yes, the LTE link connect itself is quite good, you may find the screenshot from the router settings, 

Unfortunately the downstream is too limited. I have approx 5-7mbits/s during the daytime, it gets a bit better closer to the night times. 


Hi @jonnyzzz,


have you tried already to get the Homespot closer to your window into the direction of the base-station?


Perhaps this helps to get better connections.


Loving greetings,


Hello @o2_Tobias,


I’ve already did that to gain the signal level that I have now. Does the level looks strong enough? 

it used to work faster several weeks ago with the same setup 

Hi @jonnyzzz,


unfortunately, one base-station in your area is not working properly. This may result in a lower connection.


Therefore, my suggestion is that you wait until the error is fixed. Hopefully, your homebox will then work properly again.


Unfortunately, I cannot tell you a specific date when you will have again a better internet-connection.


Therefore, I ask you for further patience.


Loving greetings,


Hi @o2_Tobias

Thanks for the update, I’ll keep waiting. Hope it will happen sooner. 

Hi @jonnyzzz,


yes, I hope so too.


Thanks for your patience.


Loving greetings,



Do you have an update for the Huawei router support with O2 Homespot? Should I post yet another thread on the router support as this thread is marked as resolved?

Hi @jonnyzzz


thanks for your reply. You can just stay here in the thread. Another new thread is not helpful. 


Unfortunately, we do not have any new information concerning your homespot in connection with your Huawei router. 


Did you try recently to use your homespot-tariff? 


According to our livecheck there are still some base-stations in your area that are not working properly. So, further patience is needed, even if it is hard for you. 


Loving greetings,


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