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Discrepancy in Billing Amounts for Mobile Service Contract

Dear Telefónica Germany Customer Service,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a discrepancy I have noticed in the billing amounts for my mobile service contract.

According to my contract for the O2 Mobile XL Online service, my monthly fee should be €24.99 after all applicable discounts. However, I have been billed €64.15 for both June and July 2024. Below are the details for your reference:

Contract Details:

    •    Monthly Fee: €24.99 (after discounts)
    •    Special Discounts: Various discounts mentioned

Bill for June & July 2024:

    •    Base Fee for Service: €60.89
    •    One-Time Fees:
    •    Connection Fee: €39.99
    •    Special Plan (Data Unlimited for 1 Month): €39.99
    •    Total Discounts Applied: -€76.73
    •    Total Due: €64.15

There seems to be a significant discrepancy between the agreed monthly fee in my contract and the amount being billed. The one-time fees and the base fee do not align with the recurring monthly fee mentioned in my contract.

I kindly request an explanation and correction of these charges. Specifically, I would appreciate:

    1.    A detailed breakdown and explanation of the charges leading to the €64.15 amount.
    2.    Clarification on the validity of the one-time fees applied.
    3.    Assurance that all applicable discounts are correctly applied each month as per the contract terms.

Edit o2_Cora 16.07.24: Post moved from → O₂ Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife

10 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Is this a copy of a letter you sent to customer services?

If you would like someone here in the forum to help you understand your invoice it would be helpful if you post the information from page 2 (without any personal details).

If you do the maths and disregard the connection charge as this is only charged once, the only discrepancy appears to be the 39,99 for the data unlimited option. Did you not order this?

Where did you conclude the contract? In a shop?

To clarify:

    1.    I ordered the “O2 Mobile XL” plan which includes 280 GB of data monthly.
    2.    I did not order the “O2 my Data Unlimited” option, which is reflected as an additional €39.99 charge.

Steps to Resolve:

I would greatly appreciate further assistance in resolving this issue. Specifically, I am looking to:

    1.    Confirm that the data unlimited charge is incorrect and should be removed.
    2.    Ensure future bills reflect the correct monthly fee as per my contract, which is €24.99 after all applicable discounts.

Thank you again for your help and understanding. I look forward to resolving this matter promptly.




Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

The unlimited data pack is discounted 100% and only runs for one month. If you look at the invoice (not the contract) you should see that the first month includes the 39,99 connection charge and only part of the first billing month because you presumably concluded the contract part way through. From the next month the invoice should be 24,99.

According to our agreement, my first payment was due in June 2024. In June, 37.98€ was deducted from my account, and this month, 64.15€ will be deducted. My question remains: Why should I pay 64.15€ this month instead of 24.99€? This was not clearly stated in the contract.

When I called O2 to set up this contract, I was assured multiple times that I would only be billed €24.99 per month for 24 months. The representative explicitly told me that the first month’s charge of €39.99 would not apply to me. Despite this, my bills have not reflected this agreement, and the charges taken from my account do not match the contract terms.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

The connection charge is in the contract so it is correctly charged in the invoice. If this was not what you agreed on you should have let o2 know immediately as you have 14 days to cancel.

If you post a screenshot (without any personal details) of page 2 of both invoices, it will be easier to identify what was charged and whether the invoice is correct or not.

Die Differenz ist der einmalige Anschlusspreis, welcher vertraglich vereinbart wurde. Ab dem nächsten Monat ist der Grundpreis 24,99 Euro zuzüglich eventueller Extrakosten.

Hi @Sauda ,

thanks for reaching out to us. You have already come to an agreement via a different department, is that correct? If that’s the case, I’m glad to hear it 🤗
Thanks @bs0 and @Sandroschubert for pointing out the Anschlusspreis 🤗

Best regards

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