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contract renewal - cancellation within the 2 year period

Dear O2 Community, 

My contract had a special discount and it is coming to an end. I would like to renew it but I only plan on concretely staying in Germany for another year, what happens if I sign a new contract with O2 but end up leaving Germany after just one year? Will I pay a fee if I move abroad and must cancel my contract before the 24 months period? 

I like O2 service so far and would like to continue, but I need to understand my options.

Thank you 

Edit o2_Cora 05.06.24: Post moved from → O₂ Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife

6 Antworten

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If you move abroad permanently o2 will allow you to terminate the contract early with just one month's notice.

Wenn man vorher schon weiß, dass man einen Vertrag mit 24monatiger Laufzeit nicht einhalten kann, dann ist es aber unfair, so einen Vertrag abzuschließen…


Wie heißt denn dein aktueller Rabatt genau, "Rabatt auf die Grundgebühr", "Hardware-Rabatt" oder "Exklusiv-Vorteil"?

I have an Exklusiv-Vorteil discount. The thing is that my master is coming to an end in one year time and after that I can't say for sure that I will stay in Germany, it will depend on other external factors. But should I not stay in Germany, I would like to know what would happen if I need to terminate the contract within the 2 year period to see if it makes sense to stick with O2 or if I need to find an alternative option. 

Hello @Poftheb, 🙂

Welcome to the o2 community. 💙
As you have an exclusive discount that lasts indefinitely, you don't need to renew your contract and can keep everything as it is. The advantage is that your contract can be cancelled monthly from August and you don't need to give special notice if you move abroad. Is everything clear or do you have any questions?

Kind regards, Maren 🌼

Dear O2_Maren,

Thank you for your answer. I have been getting SMS messages from the O2 Handy Shop saying that my discount will cease from the end of my 2 year current contract period (it ends this August). It seems this information and the one you provided are conflicting. Will I be able to keep my discount after August?

If you would need more details from me, I am happy to provide more.

Thank you in advance.


Hi @Poftheb 🙂, 
please check your invoice, it will always state how long the discount will last and the exclusive discount will continue if you don't change anything. I'm sorry the store gave you the wrong information. I myself have a contract with an exclusive discount and I'm keeping it that way. You can sit back now, everything is fine and perfect with you. 
Enjoy your weekend. 
Kind regards, Maren 🌼

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