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No internet at home


There's no internet connection since yesterday and though I tried to get help at o2 shop and had a chat online with o2 expert, nothing seems to work. I tried to call technical support but since I'm not very fluent in German, it was a real excruciation to understand each other. So no internet and impossible to get some help from the technician.

Is there any way to solve it?

Thank you.
Today is the third day the connection is missing. I tried to switch the modem off and wait, I unplugged the DSL cable, I reset the router - nothing. The DSL light keeps on flashing and that is all.
Hello @Counterfeit,

I had a look into this. As far as I can see you already contacted our technical department and a trouble ticket has been opened for you. As soon as there is news or any questions occur you will recieve an information via SMS.



Hi ppl, i have a problem, no internet at home since saturday night. I tried connecting,disconnecting. What to do next, i tried calling support, but im not very fluent in German. Any suggestions.


Hello @Ataga,


are you writing about mobile internet or do you have an issue with your dsl connection?


For mobile please look here.


If you have technical problems with your dsl, we have detailled information here.


Kind regards


Hi Giulia,

it was dsl connection problem.  


Hello @Ataga,

my colleague  @o2_Giulia provided some links where you could find tipps and infrmation what to do in case of DSL issues. Did these tipps help you? Or are there still issues where we might help you with?



Hello @Ataga,

my colleague  @o2_Giulia provided some links where you could find tipps and infrmation what to do in case of DSL issues. Did these tipps help you? Or are there still issues where we might help you with?



Hi o2_Lars, i already tried with that app before i try here, but, my German is problem. Anyway, problem solved. I assume, that i was not the only person with the issue in the area. 

thank you ppl



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