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I have to questions related my new line:

  1. There will be a technician on 20th April: the internet box will come with him or I should expect a delivery before? If yes, where I can check when it will arrive?
  2. In my apartment, there was already an old connection for the previous tenant: there will be the necessity to go to the “distributor in the cellar”? The problem is that the distributor is not in my personal cellar but in one of my neighbors and currently he is out of the city and I don’t know if he will be able to come back due to corona. So maybe if there is no necessity to go there,because there was already something “available” before, is it possible?


Please read this:

F.A.Q. DSL Welcome Letter- a short explanation

If you have ordered a rental router together with the DSL connection from o2, the router will be delivered as a DHL package a few days before the provision date. The Deutsche Telekom technician only connects the cables, that's all he does. 

Moin Moin,

the router comes extra, most of the times a few day before.

With a little luck the is no need to go to the distributor.

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