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DSL internet connection activation

Hello O2 community members.

I received DSL router before (O2 homebox 6741) on 10.03.2020, technician come on 20.03.2020. We enabled router and everything was green power, WLAN, Internet, Info… Technician said that everything looks good and all other information is on the backside of router. I can connect to the WIFI and router but I do not have internet, I always redirected to page:

. I did several times reset and just unplug and plug it again, but the result is the same - can connect to router, but no internet. I installed o2 DSL Hilfe and there is only one error - no internet connection, router and configuration are ok.

I received welcome email, it contains several data: VOIP, etc. but I do not know where to enter them.
On Mien O2 the status of my DSL delivery is the same for several days:

Please, can you help, may be I missed something.
Thank you.

5 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@DmitryK the first screenshot is the answer. Telekom startpage: Dieser Internetanschluss ist zur Zeit nicht aktiv. → the technician configure your VDSL port wrong. You must made a technical ticket. Strongly recommend the Telekom startpage and that you a get a telekom IP address. -> „Der Internetanschluss ist verschaltet“

@Joe Doe thank you for quick response. I will create technical ticket. Thank you again.

HI all. After visiting technician I have internet. Thank you @Joe Doe for advise.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@DmitryK 👍👍

one question: Did you use the o2 DSL help app with English menu interface to make the ticket? 

@Joe Doe  I just called to hot line and they created a ticket. I used o2 DSL help app with English, but I did not use the generated ticker number from it.

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