Hello @AramKalantaryan ,
welcome to the o2 Community
We’ll happily take a look at your contract and see about making you an offer to switch to the current o2 Home L. Have you already checked if this bandwidth is avaiable at your address? And if you can keep using your current router depends on what model you are using at this time, as you’ll need one that is capable of supporting Supervectoring.
Kind regards, Sven
Hi Sven and thank for the prompt reply!
Yes, my address supports all the speeds offered by O2, up to 1 Gb/s and my touter model is Fritzbox 6660. In fact, I do not need L package which is 250 Mb/s, because the current 100 Mb/s is more than enough for my needs. And I can order it via the website, just it ask for a router model, and I understand the service will be interrupted and the router exchanged, something I want to avoid.
So, short, same speed of 100 Mb/s (whichever the package is called today), no interruption, no router change, another 24 months contact. Would it be possible?
Best regards,
I can see that currently O2 my Home M 100 offers the same speed at a lower price
Please see the pricelist. Price actually has increased by 5 EUR to 39.99 EUR.
I can see that currently O2 my Home M 100 offers the same speed at a lower price
Please see the pricelist. Price actually has increased by 5 EUR to 39.99 EUR.
It is not actually. For exsiting customers like me they offer the M package for 19.99 EUR for the first year and then for 34.99 EUR for the second year, if you make a 24 months contact. Your information is incorrect.
You will see...that your “information” is incorrect.
You will see...that your “information” is incorrect.
Who are you, really? :)) Somebody block this guy, he seems to be a spammer.
I am someone who can read and understand text in the German language.
Just wait until you receive the tariff change offer from an o2 moderator.
I am someone who can read and understand text in the German language.
Good for you, keep it up
Still, it seems you are not good with numbers. And for some reason you post about the increased prices under different discussions.
It's because many people don't read properly. You have to understand what the numbers refer to.
Hello @AramKalantaryan ,
if you are looking at the offerings on our website, then these are for a new contract and not an offer for changing or prolonging one. blablup is correct in pointing out the pricelist and I’m sorry that I misunderstood you initially in wanting to switch to the current o2 Home L when you want to remain at a bandwidth of 100 MBit/s.
Kind regards, Sven
Hi Sven. Then you should fix your website, because I see these prices when I choose the option for existing customers :) For new customers, yes, it costs 5 EUR more.
Anyways, if I decide to switch to O2 Home L, what price will I get?
Hey @AramKalantaryan,
I can make you an offer, but I would need a few more details from you. I'll write you a message with the o2 support account. Please check your inbox.
Kind regards
Hey @AramKalantaryan,
since you haven't replied, I've closed the chat for now. Let me know if you still need support. 
Hi Lea. I terminated my contract with O2 and moving to another provider. Thanks for your message nevertheless.
@AramKalantaryan thanks for the feedback. Too bad you are leaving but i wish you the best.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.