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PIN for HomeBox 2(6641)

  • 7 November 2014
  • 6 Antworten
  • 1174 Aufrufe

I am a new customer. And I NEED a PIN for my HomeBox 2(6641). WHERE IS IT? WHEN CAN I EXPECT IT? SOMETIME NEXT YEAR?

When I was ordering, I ordered FRITZ!Box 7490. In a week I received a contract and connection credentials.  After a while I got an email saying that FRITZ!Box is out of stock and it would be substituted by HomeBox 2(6641). OK, don't care, what ever. The same email also said that I would receive a PIN code via mail.

Now It has been a week since a technician showed up and enabled my phone line. I got SMS from O2 saying that my subscription is activated now. It's also been a wile since I received HomeBox. But the FUN part is that I can not use it, because I have no PIN code.

I tried to use chat, went to a shop, called the HOT line.

In chat they say they don't support in English.

In shop they say they have no idea what I am talking about.

Hot line plays music for hours, I am pretty sure I am going to have a brain cancer if I will keep calling the hot line.


You gave me all I need: the router, the technician, you activated my subscription. 

BUT WHERE IS MY PIN CODE??? So I can start using my Internet.

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6 Antworten

Benutzerebene 5
Hi Traumeel,


we can give you the PIN but you have to write a PN to the user @o2_DSL and include your personal identification password there.





Sorry about the rude message. I got really frustrated with this matter on Friday.
I wrote a message, but the thing is - I don't have any personal identification password. There is no such a thing in the documents I have received so far. I sent my customer id, order id, landline number. I hope it will suffice.



I am also having same issue. I have HomeBox 2(6641) configured. But I do not have any PIN, and the worst part is I really do not have any idea where I can find it.

Can you please guide me how I can get it? I too do not have personal identification number etc.

How can I send direct message to @o2_DSL? It is not allowing me.

Benutzerebene 5
Bitte diesen Thread schließen !! hier geht es https:///thread/62857

Benutzerebene 7