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Warum O2
Ich habe heute mein altes Turbolink IAD Modem gegen die neue 02 HomeBox 6641 ersetzt.

Leider funktioniert seit dieser Zeit mein VPN ins Firmennetzwerk nicht mehr.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Firewall des 6641 zu konfigurieren bzw. komplett abzuschalten?

Hello H1mann and O2 experts,

I have the same problem.

The O2 HomeBox 6641 router cannot connect via VPN to my work.

The VPN protocol is the Cisco IPsec, which involves the UDP port 500 and the IP ports 50 and 51.

I have been digging around in the internet, I have spoken with the O2 hotline service and I have been also discussing this with the IT people at my working place, but there is still no solution for this.

We are in some kind of dead end because I cannot even use another router for my O2 wlan (this is unbelievable!).

This means that I cannot simply go to the shop and buy a good router.

Sadly, I am stuck with the 6641, and nobody from the O2 service offers a real solution: They just say that it should work.

I would like to say that VPN always worked with my computer no matter the WLAN that I have been using around the world (cafes, airport, public wlan, etc.).

Only now, with my new O2 contract and that router it does not work.

This is very important for me since I have to work from home almost everyday and now it is impossible.

Any help or hints would be appreciated.

If nothing really helps I am afraid that I will have to cancel the contract with O2.

VPN connection to my working place server is now working through the o2 homebox 6641.

The solution was to use the cisco Anyconnect-Client instead of the built-in one in my macbook pro.

Why does it work? The cisco Anyconnect-Client uses HTTPS instead of IPsec/IKE and don't need any dynamic ports.

So it is true that the 6641 router has some limitations in the configuration of the ports,

but this is a way of circumvent this for the use of VPN.


Many thanks for the update. I'll ask our IT department if I'm also allow to use the Cisco Anyconnect Client.

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