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Warum O2

Trotz Vertragskündigung am 15.01.24 und Rückgabe des Routers am 29.12.23 wurde vom 23.01.24 bis zum 22.02.24 eine Rechnung ausgestellt und der Betrag am 06.03.24 vom Konto abgebucht. Die Höhe entspricht nicht dem bisherigen Vertrag

Wie hoch ist der Betrag?

Am 15.1. wurde deaktiviert oder die Kündigung eingereicht?

Hallo @EkoVita,

herzlich willkommen in unserer o2 Community 😀

Es tut mir leid, wenn es hier offenbar zu einer nachträglichen Berechnung gekommen ist.

Den Router hattest du über unser Router-Retourenportal zurückgeschickt?

Viele Grüße


Wir haben den Router in dem Geschäft zurückgegeben, in dem wir den Vertrag unterzeichnet haben

Edit o2_Cora 15.03.24: Seriennummer und Auftragsnummer entfernt

Scheinbar wurde dieser aber nicht an o2 versendet 


Die Sendungsnummer sollte man nie öffentlich machen. 

Edit o2_Cora 15.03.24: Sendungsnummer entfernt

Hallo @EkoVita,

herzlich willkommen in unserer o2 Community 😀

Es tut mir leid, wenn es hier offenbar zu einer nachträglichen Berechnung gekommen ist.

Den Router hattest du über unser Router-Retourenportal zurückgeschickt?

Viele Grüße



Giulia, can you write me what I have to do in this case? I want my money back and don’t think about this problem)



Hier kannst du auch die Nachweise hochladen 

Hallo @EkoVita,

herzlich willkommen in unserer o2 Community 😀

Es tut mir leid, wenn es hier offenbar zu einer nachträglichen Berechnung gekommen ist.

Den Router hattest du über unser Router-Retourenportal zurückgeschickt?

Viele Grüße



Giulia, can you write me what I have to do in this case? I want my money back and don’t think about this problem)

Also habe ich den Router zurückgegeben. Sie haben es am 03.01.2024 erhalten

Hello @EkoVita,

I will have the return checked by our logistics department and will inform you when I have received feedback from them.

Please have a little patience, we can certainly sort this out and will take care of the refund then.

Best regards


Hello @EkoVita,

I have good news for you, the router fees are now being refunded. A payout to your bank account is already in progress.

Please note that the transfer can still take a few days, up to two weeks.

I hope that I was able to clarify your issue. If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Best regards


Hello Giulia 

I need your help again (

I have got my payout, but another sum, 105 instead 125. Also I got new bill for 23.02.24-22.03.24. How it possible? as wrote before we stoped contract 15.01.24! how I can get rest of my 125 payment (20€) And what we have to do for finishing this story?


Hello @EkoVita,

I'm pleased that you received the chargeback quickly. The 105,02 EUR were charged for the router and the refund amounts to the same.

You have another mobile phone contract that costs EUR 19.99 per month. You only canceled the other contract.

Best regards



It’s too strange!!!

I don’t have any contract with O2

Also I never got sim-card O2!!! and didn’t use it!!!

And you can see all my payments, I had paid you only for internet.

Pls, send me mobile phone contract  with my signature!


Hello @EkoVita,

This surprises me a bit now, the contract was concluded together with the other contract on September 22nd, 2022 and has always been invoiced since then.

You should have received the relevant documents and the SIM card in the shop when you signed the contract.

I had no idea that you didn't know about this, please excuse me.

Do you wish to cancel this contract as well?

Best regards


very interesting situation… all the time we paid only for internet, first year 35€ and second 45€, and I had never paid additional 20€ for mobile phone contact and I had never got bills for mobile contract till this month. I consider you can check it. and also how we can cancel a contract for mobile pone if we don’t sign it)))? I hope on your  help))




Hello @EkoVita,

the contract was always stated on your invoices, please check them again for more information.

If you don’t have access to them anymore, please let us know so we can send you the invoices by letter.

Best regards



Hello Giulia

This surprises me a bit now, the contract was concluded together with the other contract on September 22nd, 2022 and has always been invoiced since then.

I had got bills for internet till January 2024 and didn’t get another bills, also O2 charged my money ONLY for internet according to contract 

pls, send me another contract with my signature and all bills according to another contract, because it looks like fraud



Hello @EkoVita,

I will have all invoices sent to you by letter, so you can retrace it.

As you have concluded the contracts in a Shop, we don’t have the contracts. Maybe you can obtain it in the Shop were your ordered it.

You should also have received several emails about this contract on September 22nd, 2022. Maybe it can still be found again.

Best regards


 Good evening, Giulia

Sorry, but I haven't received the bill yet
It sounds strange .

As I understand you right I need to go to the store to get the fictional contract? O2 are charging my money, not the store, and refuse to say on what basis!
If you can’t resolve this issue, can you send me the contacts on O2 to appeal.
I repeat again:

- I had ONLY signed one contract

- I have not received a mobile phone SIM card

- I have not received any mobile phone invoices until last month

Hello @EkoVita,

Unfortunately, I have no influence on the delivery time of the invoice copies; it may have taken longer over the holidays.

Please let me know when you have received them and if you have any further questions.

Best regards


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