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Warum O2

DEUTSCH (English below)


Ich bekomme ein paar mal pro Woche Anrufe von zufälligen Menschen. Sie sagen mir, dass ich sie zuerst angerufen habe, aber das stimmt nicht. Das geht schon seit ein paar Monaten so. Ich habe im Internet nachgeschaut und viele verschiedene "Lösungen" gesehen. Aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie ich vorgehen soll. Soll ich meine Telefonnummer ändern?

Entschuldigung, ich wusste nicht, was ich meinen Beitrag betiteln sollte 😃 Hoffentlich ist alles klar und verständlich. Antworten auf Englisch würden sehr geschätzt :P

Danke im Voraus

--- English below ---


I am receiving calls a few times a week from random people. They tell me that I called them first, but that is not true. This has been happening since a few months. I looked it up in the internet and saw various “results”. However I am unsure on how to proceed. Should I change my phone number?

Thanks in advance,



Moved to our english community, o2 Michi, 12.11.2022 11:03 Uhr

Hi @ProuDog,

welcome to our community. 😊

I’ve moved your thread to our english forums. Would it be possible that the phone display wasn’t locked and startet a call while it was in your pocket?


Best regards,



Hi @o2_Michi!

Thank you for moving it to the English forum, I suppose I will translate my first post to English so that other people who have similar problems can read it here.

Yes, I am sure that my phone display was locked normally and that my phone didn’t call anyone accidentally. I have also read THIS thread, however it didn’t help much. Let me add a little more information so that the problem will be at least more understandable and easier to solve.

-They do not claim to be the police or anything similar (something like this had happened once a long time ago but I just ended the call immediately anyway, I also do not think that call has anything to do with my current situation),
-They do not demand me to press any number on my phone,
-They do not want me to transfer money,
-They do not want me to give out any information,

Some of them only say “hello” and wait for me to say something (in German of course. The numbers that call me are all from Germany). Some  of them say directly that I called them and want me to explain why I called them. I do not think this is any kind of phishing call. I think my phone number itself is being used for something fishy and they are the victims who just call back. Maybe more than half of the ones who "receive" calls from me don't even call back and only a small fraction of people call me back. I might be wrong but the sheer number of different people/phone numbers who called me and the other researches I made on the internet made me believe this.

I also do not see any calls I made to them in my recent history. So I assume someone/some people are somehow using my phone number to call random people for some reason.

Best regards,

Hi @ProuDog,

okay that’s strange, its sounds a bit like installed malware on your phone or someone uses a fake number for calls but its your real number.

For postpaid tariff its possible to change the number, but if it’s your prepaid card only a new card (with a new number) would help to prevent such calls I guess. 😕


Best regards,



Thanks for the answer @o2_Michi,

Well I am using an iPhone, I think that is unlikely that a malware is causing that.

I do not know how fake numbers exactly work, but I will have to get another prepaid card I guess. Maybe I can use this as an excuse to start actually using a real tariff. But before any of that, I want to be sure that I exhausted all options. Is there someone/somewhere I can ask about this that can give me more information? Or if I call o2 themselves by phone or email, will the information they can give me be same as the one you could give me?

iPhones are not immune from malware, but it is more likely that someone is simply spoofing your number. This is not difficult to do and there is nothing the provider, in your case o2, can do about it. Often numbers are used just for a short time, but if this doesn't stop after a couple of weeks, the only solution is a new number.

Hi @ProuDog 🙂

I think Apple has serious methods to prevent malware apps in the appstore, but the other options could be anything. 😕 A friend got mad at you, telling others to call the number, someone is spoofing your number like bs0 wrote, transposed digits on a website (contact) etc.


Best regards,


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