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I got an increase in the bill for “Verbindungen & Services” but I can’t see the detail anywhere. I see there are videos and explanations here and there (all in German), but I want to know the details of my specific case. 

Hi @CocaDeCeba


thanks for contacting us here in our English community. 


According to your wish, I just have activated the itemised bill for you so that you can see also all connections that are not included in your flatrates of the tariff in the future. 


But as we did not have any allowance from you, we cannot tell you anything about your past and recent bills. 


Did you make some calls to a country outside of Germany?

Did you call some special numbers?

Did you order a service of a third party-company?


These may be some reasons for the additional connections. 


Loving greetings,


Hi Tobias, 

Does that mean that from now on, I will receive the detail of the extra costs, but that I cannot see them in the previous bills? I didn’t know I had to activate that. Having to translate everything you miss a lot of important points. Some automatic translations make no sense and some things cannot be translated. In my country the detail of the bill is default by law, so I was not expecting this.



Dear @CocaDeCeba ,


yes, you will now see the extra fees from that time on @o2_Tobias activated the itemised bill for you.

I'm sorry that you expected us to have exactly the same standards as you have at home, but this is not the case.
Data may only be stored from the point of consent, so we cannot provide prior data for you as it is not available.


Kind regards,


Ok, danke schön

Immer gern. :wink:

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