Warum O2

Where is my package - BestellStatus ??

  • 31 January 2016
  • 9 Antworten
  • 3594 Aufrufe

I bought Mobile Samsung Edge S6 with Teblet offer on 26/01/2016  .
And I have received an email application and the customer number and the number to the package tracking number.
And when tracking the package .. show that delivery has been successfully completed on 26.01.2016
But actually I have not received anything so far ...

order Number : WSAC20993460
Package tracking number SHIP DPD : 09445735736881


9 Antworten


I bought Mobile Samsung Edge S6 with Teblet offer on 26/01/2016  .
And I have received an email application and the customer number and the number to the package tracking number.
And when tracking the package .. show that delivery has been successfully completed on 29.01.2016
But actually I have not received anything so far ...

order Number : WSAC20993460
Package tracking number SHIP DPD : 09445735736881

Benutzerebene 7
Hi Angro,

the subscription of the Samsung S6 Edge is rejected. I´m sorry. The tracking number derives from the sim. Did you find it meanwhile in your letterbox ?



Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung Herr Angro,

profitieren Sie schon bald vom umfassenden o2 Serviceangebot und damit vom besten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und erleben Sie, dass zwei Netze besser sind als eins.

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    2.   Geben Sie die Nummer Ihrer neuen o2 SIM-Karte und Ihr Geburtsdatum ein

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Nachdem Sie Ihre SIM-Karte aktiviert haben, können Sie ganz einfach die Mitnahme Ihrer bisherigen Rufnummer unter www.o2.de/mein-o2/rufnummermitnahme beantragen.

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Bei Fragen rund um Ihren neuen Mobilfunkvertrag ist die Hilfe Community von o2 oder alternativ der Kundenservice von o2 für Sie da: telefonisch unter 089 787979400 (Kosten gemäß Tarif für Anrufe in das dt. Festnetz)

Freundliche Grüße
Ihr o2 Team


i received this Email Today

i can't active Sim Card bec. i don't have Sim card from o2 yet .

also i don't receive any Pakage or Post ???

May have been canceling the purchase of the device asks for? what the problem ???????

Benutzerebene 7
Hello https:///people/Angro,

so you did not receive the sim?

One option is that we activate your contract, and afterwards we can send you a new sim in exchange for free.

The other one which you did not receive we would deactivate of course.

Should we do that?

Kind reagrds,


Since date 26.01.2016 to 04.02.2016 i did not recieve any Sim or Handy + Tablet  and Contract ???

Benutzerebene 7
Hello Angro,

you will not receive the mobile phone. It got rejected.

But for the contract we can send you a new sim because you did not receive the first one.

Or, if you do not want to have it anymore, we can also cancel the contract.

Kind regards,


how i can cancel Contract of the Sim ?

Benutzerebene 7
Hello Angro,

when you send us a private message to our account @o2_Support‌ with your personal dates and your wish to cancel the contract we can do that for you.

Kind regards,


Thank you

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