Warum O2

What’s the different between o2 customer

  • 24 November 2020
  • 2 Antworten
  • 124 Aufrufe

  • Neuling
  • 2 Antworten


I really don’t know what’s the difference between New Customer & o2 customer when we choose for the contract. In new customer the price of iPhone 12 Pro is expensive & it’s cheap in o2 customer.

 I also want to know that what’s unique price stands for? How can I know that if I’m o2 customer or not to make a contract of iPhone 12.

What’s the different between with Contract & Without Contract even?

Thanks in advance 


edit o2_Vivian: Mobilfunkvertrag → o2 english community: mobile


Lösung von bs0 24 November 2020, 00:42

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2 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

The phone costs the same for everybody. The tarif costs less if you already have a mobile contract and you conclude another one.

Doyou already have a contract with o2? If not, then you are a new customer.

Benutzerebene 7

Dear @Riz ,


welcome in our community. :rosette:

Great that @bs0 has already given you the right answer. New customers are customers who do not have a contract with us yet and existing customers are those who already have a mobile phone contract with term or a DSL contract with us.
Note that if you are an existing customer and choose a contract with mobile phone and receive a combined advantage, where a connection fee is mentioned, then you conclude another additional contract.


Kind regards,


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