Warum O2

Unknown money withdrawn by o2 from my bank account.

Benutzerebene 1


Today O2 withdrawed €59.98 from my bank account. And I don’t know the reason.

Can you please help me to learn why they withdraw this money and how can I apply  for refund ?




Adnan Sahin


Edit by o2_Katja: Rechnungsnummer entfernt und in unseren Englisch-Bereich verschoben



8 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@adsahin01 Are you customer from o2?

Benutzerebene 1


I am using O2 DSL.

But I am paying 13.98€ monthly for DSL service.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@adsahin01 did you order/get a new rent router from o2 and you don’t send back the old one?

Benutzerebene 1

No I did not ordered a new router or anything else.

I am currently using a router that I rent from O2.

Last month I ordered a phone with a contract from DeinHandy.

But before I got the package, I applied for cancellation and I got the cancellation approval.

But I got an e-mail from O2 on 8th of Mai :


Lieber o2 Kunde,

wir haben Ihr Anliegen geprüft. Da für uns Ihre Zufriedenheit im Vordergrund steht, haben wir Ihrem Kundenkonto xy am 08.05.2020 den Betrag von 39,99 EUR gutgeschrieben.

Freundliche Grüße
Ihr o2 Team


Edit by o2_Katja: Kundennummer entfernt

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@adsahin01 i think this answer your last bill. The new contract was billed before your cancellation (Widerruf) from DeinHandy arrived at o2. Because of this you get a credit 39,99 Euro (Start fee mobile contract). Wait for an o2 moderator, with access to your customer data. He can look at your case.

Hi @adsahin01,


thanks for returning to our English community again.


I just had a look on your last bill.


The fee was charged for your mobile phone number 590 at the end. You activated the tariff “o2 Free L” on 25th April 2020 and therefore this is the first bill for this contract with the activation fee of 39,99 € plus the basic fee from 25th April until 9th May.


So, I do not see in the invoice any fault.


Your mobile phone number 860 at the end was cancelled on 10th May 2020 and therefore you got a discount of 39,99 €. So, you did not pay anything for this contract.


I hope you now understand your invoice better.


Loving greetings,


Benutzerebene 1


Thank you for Information.

I never seen these sim cards or activate them. 

I also did now that there were two different Sim cards with different numbers.

I applied for the cancellation of eveything that I ordered.

Then I got a reply that my cancellation application was agreed and on process.

After I learned that there were two Sim cards and one is not cancelled, I informed and askes to DeinHandy and got this answer;


Hallo Adnan,

  vielen Dank für deine Anfrage.   Wir haben deinen Widerrufswunsch am 18.05.2020 an den Anbieter O² weitergeleitet.
Bitte beachte, dass die Bearbeitung deines Wunsches dort bis zu 8 Wochen dauern kann.   Sobald O² deinen Widerruf bearbeitet hat, erhältst du eine separate Bestätigung darüber.   Bis dahin bitten wir dich noch um etwas Geduld.   Hast du noch Fragen, melde dich gerne bei uns.   Beste Grüße aus Berlin und einen schönen Tag,   dein Service Team


Can you pleased check If as O2, you got cancellation approval from DeinHandy for both numbers?


And how can I cancel this second number?

Hi @adsahin01,


thanks for your reply.


We only got a cancellation (withdrawal confirmation) for your mobile phone number 860 at the end.


Please clarify the matter with the 3rd party-provider where you ordered the contract. As soon as we receive a confirmation from them, we will of course cancel your contract.


Thanks a lot for your support.


Loving greetings,


Deine Antwort