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I moved to UK from Germany and was hoping to keep my german contract, as I could use the roaming at the same price as my normal contract in Germany. UK announced that from January 2021 they will no longer support EU roaming feature, which obviously means my german contract here will be useless. My contract was renewed, but I was wondering if I can have it cancelled by 31 December 2020 instead if normal contract term or if I can be offered a transfer to a UK O2 contract?


edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community: Mobile

Hi @s.tatarchuk ,


welcome to our community. :relaxed:


Due to a EU-regulation (“scope to transition”) there will be no extra fees or changes for your roaming-option in 2020.

Until 2021 we keep in touch with the providers in the UK and maybe there will be changes, but we don’t know yet if and when this will happen. Normally we will inform our customers regarding changes, but we would also be glad if you send us a message in our community later this year when we have more infos about possible changes. :wink:


Best regards,


... or if I can be offered a transfer to a UK O2 contract?

That´s not possible - other country, other company!

Caution - please keep in mind the EU fair-use-policy. Roaming means a time-limited stay in another country. After some months in UK o2 Germany could charge for the usage outside Germany.  

Hello! So now that it is official what are my options? I am now living permanently in UK and won’t be able to use my normal plan from Jan 2021, can I quit my contract?  Alternatively, can it be reduced so I get the minimal amount of data possible and pay less? Thanks!

Brexit is not a surprising thing, so you should have considered it before. 

if you leave Germany, you can cancel the plan with a 3 Month payment after you moved and brought all the needed papers. 

Hi @s.tatarchuk


thanks for your reply again here in our English community. 


As @Denner already mentioned, you have the possibility of an extraordinary cancellation because of moving abroad. Please read the instructions for the procedure here: extraordinary cancellation because of moving abroad


Please fill out the following form: Cancellation form for moving abroad As you see in this form, we need some further documents from you in order to cancel your contract before the normal termination-date. 


I hope I could help you with this information and I wish you all the best in the UK. Please keep safe and healthy! 


Loving greetings,


Still nothing has been decided about roaming in the UK. Early termination is, however, possible irrespective of this.

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