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Warum O2


I ordered online and received a test sim card 3 days back.

I already tried activating online and every time I get the same message -

“Ihre SIM-Karte wird bereits aktiviert

Sie brauchen im Moment nichts weiter tun. Sobald Ihre SIM-Karte mit der Nummer aktiviert wurde, informieren wir Sie per E-Mail.
Anschließend ist ein Neustart nötig: Schalten Sie Ihr Smartphone mit eingelegter SIM-Karte aus und wieder ein. Dadurch wählt sich die SIM-Karte ins Netz ein und ist aktiv.”

I call customer care everyday and I get the same info that it is with the technical team. No idea how long this is going to take!

Can someone help me in this case please?



edited by Thomas3 : Post moved to the English O₂ Community / Mobile

Hi @DJ_13

welcome to our English Community. Nice that you ordered a new contract with o2. I understand that you look eagerly to use your test-card. 

I regret that the activation of your new sim-card went to a technical error. Our technical department is already involved. I hope that we can activate your card soon. 

Thanks for your patience. 


Loving greetings,


Hi @o2_Tobias 

I am still waiting for the activation. I really dont understand what could go wrong in acitvating a SIM?



Well @DJ_13 

usually there is nothing complicated to activate a SIM card. It should be done within 48 h. But as @o2_Tobias already mentioned there is a deeper problem due to our database. The SIM card can’ t be logged into our network. This has to be solved at first. By the way: you are not the only one. There were many customers with the same issue. Hopefully the backlog will be worked as soon as possible.



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