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Termination of Contract Abroad during Coronavirus

Good afternoon.

I’m trying to reach customer service regarding my o2 mobile contract, since I would like to cancel it.

I moved out from Germany 2 years ago, and I found the form on the website in order to request the termination of the contract.

Since the country i’m living in is actually in lockdown for the pandemic, I can’t send the form via post.

Is there any way I can provide the termination form via e-mail? Hotline is not replying and the situation is becoming a bit frustrating. Since I have to give 3 months-notice for the termination, I don’t have time left, but with all Europe in Lockdown is really hard to get burocratic stuff done in time.

I can’t come personally to Germany to close the contract since there are travel restrictions.

Thank you for your understanding and for the help in this extraordinary times,



4 Antworten

Good afternoon.

I’m trying to reach customer service regarding my o2 mobile contract, since I would like to cancel it.

I moved out from Germany 2 years ago, and I found the form on the website in order to request the termination of the contract.

Since the country i’m living in is actually in lockdown for the pandemic, I can’t send the form via post.

Is there any way I can provide the termination form via e-mail? Hotline is not replying and the situation is becoming a bit frustrating. Since I have to give 3 months-notice for the termination, I don’t have time left, but with all Europe in Lockdown is really hard to get burocratic stuff done in time.

I can’t come personally to Germany to close the contract since there are travel restrictions.

Thank you for your understanding and for the help in this extraordinary times,



I have exactly the same problem.

Hi @TheLoneOwl and @huimin,


thanks for your request.


You find all information concerning the cancellation because of moving abroad in these instructions: cancellation because of moving abroad


In the “cancellation form because of moving abroad” you find also the fax-number: +49 1805 571 766.


I hope you can send all the requested documents by fax.


In Germany you can also get a stamp online. I expect that this is also possible in your country.


I hope that this information is helpful for you.


Loving greetings,


Thanks for the reply.

That's the problem anyway, how can I send a fax if everything is closed?

I don't have a fax at home, in 2020 seems absurd I can't do things via mail or another simplier way.

Please let me know if there is any other way to stop the contract, that automatically renewed even if I didn't want to

Hi @TheLoneOwl,


I regret that during this situation things get difficult.


But I regret I cannot offer you any other possibility. We do not offer e-mail-support.


Either you send everything by letter or by fax.


I regret that I cannot help you in this regard.


Loving greetings,


Deine Antwort