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Warum O2


I am using “O2 Free Unlimited Max Online (2021)” package from 2021 and My contract will end in “March/2024”. 

Recently I am thinking of taking Kabel internet instead of LTE as the connection is very slow to use. Can I change my contract from LTE to Kabel? and How to do it?

Moin Moin,

normally you can’t. But you could wait for an O2 Mod. 

Hello @meta-bot ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

A change from a mobile contract to a cable contract is not possible, we can do a lot of things, but there are some things that just can’t be done. If you do not need the mobile contract anymore, maybe you have someone among your acquaintances that could need the contract? Then a transfer of ownership might be an option.


Best regards, Sven

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