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Staff in O2 store typed in wrong address in contract and the order was returned by DHL. Now, I cannot use the IBAN to purchase a phone from O2 online store

  • 20 February 2024
  • 3 Antworten
  • 32 Aufrufe

Hi, I ordered an IPHONE 15 PRO MAX 512GB, TITANIUM NATURAL including M tariff from the O2 store (Prager Str. 15, 01069 Dresden) on 31st January 2024. Unfortunately, the staff at the O2 store accidentally typed in a wrong address in the contract eventhough I gave my Anmeldung to him. So, DHL returned the mobilephone. I went back and talked with the store and the staff apologized for the typing mistake, so it’s cool and all. I also chose to continue the M tariff plan which is still active.

Now there is another problem. I am trying to buy another mobilephone on contract from the O2 online store but my request is rejecting(got a rejection email) repeatedly. I tried another O2 phone number and another email, but still got rejected for the purchase.  I think it is because of the same IBAN. This IBAN was used before for the failed offline purchase from the store. The staff said the money deducted from me at the store earlier for the phone (which was only 1€) will be refunded. But it is not yet refunded. It’s been 3 weeks. Maybe the IBAN can be used for the online purchase only after that 1€ is refunded or is there any other issues?

  1. How long will it will take to credit the refund(1€)?
  2. When will I able to purchase a phone on contract from the O2 online site using the same IBAN?

3 Antworten



It's not typically common to pay the 1€ directly in the store if the device is supposed to be delivered via DHL. Usually, you either pay in-store and receive the phone there or make the entire payment through your account and receive the phone via DHL.






Thank you for the reply. I went to the store to buy the phone with the M tariff on 31st January 2024. The staff there told me to pay the 1 Euro right there as an initial payment for the installment.


Hello @Jishnu,

that is unfortunate that the phone you ordered has been sent to a wrong adresse and that you have not been reimbursed the 1 € advance payment yet.

Which factor did cause the rejection for your order afterwards we csannot say as we cannot access the data for our automatic credit check due to data protection. You can ask via letter to Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Auskunftsstelle, 90345 Nürnberg with giving your full address details (incl. first name and surname) and your date of birth.



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