Warum O2

Simcard for my homespot is probably dead.

I just receive today my new homespot and a simcard. Homespot looks is working fine but I cannot connect to the network. I have only red blinking light. i put that simcard to my dual sim phone and i also cannot get any form of connection. Card was activated on webisite mentioned in leaflet. Looks like simcard is faulty. What i can do now?


Lösung von o2_Tobias 9 February 2021, 18:51

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I just receive today my new homespot and a simcard. Homespot looks is working fine but I cannot connect to the network. I have only red blinking light. i put that simcard to my dual sim phone and i also cannot get any form of connection. Card was acivated on webisite mentioned in leaflet. Looks like simcard is faulty. What i can do now?


edit o2_Tobias: transferred from thread Simcard is dead. What to do? to here because of double-posting

Also is this normalną that i haven't received welkome letter with my phone number? Is this coming separately? I feel like I am in some kind of limbo. Have a not working sim card and a router. Only option which I see now I send everything back to o2 and forget about incompetence and this network. 

Can anyone help me with the issue? Bump up

Hi @Dominick87


welcome to our English Community. :blush:  


I regret that you had to wait a bit. As you realize, I combined your 2 threads here. Please do not open several threads with the same topic. :wink:


I welcome you first of all as a new customer at o2. :thumbsup:


Unfortunately, you are not able to use your sim-card. 


I just had a look. Your sim-card is activated today. 


Did you try to use your homespot already today? I hope that it works now perfectly. 


If you still have any issues, just come back here to our English Community. 


Loving greetings,


Hallo Tobias,

Today i was able to activate simcard. I made some research here and apparently i was one of the few lucky new users who had this problem. Now it is working fine and finally i don't need to care about how much data I am downloading 🙂 

Hopefully everything will be working fine in next 2 years of my contract.

Thank you for your response.

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