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SIM Card not delivered: order number XXXXXXXXXX

Do I have a e-SIM number I should configure instead, or is the physical SIM card going to be delivered to my address?

My order date was 26th  August 2022 ,and 2 weeks later I still have not received the SIM card.


Edit o2_Sven 09.09.2022/12:52: Removed personal information from title and post

I also always have “Aus technischen Gründen können Ihre Daten derzeit nicht vollständig geladen werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut.” error code every time I log in. It has been like this since 26th August

Hello @vhaus,


sorry that no one has answered till now. Is there still the issue with the SIM-Card or with the error code? I hope that everything is fine at the moment. 🍀


Best regards, Marco

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