A reactivation of a canceled and terminated contract is only possible within 10 days (some say 30 days). After that it is not possible.
A conversion of a postpaid contract into a prepaid contract is not possible.
You can port your phone number to another provider or to an o2 prepaid SIM card within 90 days of the end of the contract.
If you want to use an o2 prepaid card:
a) Order a free o2 prepaid card here (www.o2-freikarte.de)
b) After you have received the SIM card via post (mail) , activate the prepaid SIM with your valid ID via Post-Ident or Video-Ident
c) If the o2 prepaid SIM card is activated, you can have your old mobile phone number transferred to the new o2 prepaid SIM using the following form:
Hi @Reagan ,
thanks für your first request here in our community, feel welcome
Was tearsbeforecrying able to solve your request or is any question left?
Thanks to tearsbeforecrying for your post and the helpful link for the portation form.
kindly regards