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when I try to get my puk from the app I get error messages and from the client service they haven’t given me any other solution. I am not in germany and I don’t speak german so the hotline is not an option for me. I would like to know why I can’t get my codes from the app and why this is getting so long and annoying while you could help me solving it n 1 minute. It has been already a week I can’t use my phone.
Hi @gaiasilli,
nice that you contact us here in our English community.
If you do not have access to your PUK via “Mein o2”, perhaps you still have the letter that you received with the SIM-card.
Otherwise, there is no other solution than to call our hotline.
Alternatively, you can also order a new exchanging sim-card. But you will be charged with 29,99 € in this case.
If you like to order a new exchanging sim-card, just let me know.
Loving greetings,
Dear Tobias,
I am in Buenos Aires and calling the hotline 2 times for more than 30 minutes was useless, difficult and expensive. I have already changed company and number. I will never choose o2 ever, ever, ever again. Bad customer support. One of the worst I’ve ever seen.
Changing the linked telephone number with my bank was easier than getting my puk code from you. just a 30/60 minutes interview with passport and we managed to change the number on my bank account.
I just realized how useless this portal and the customer o2 service is. Bye!
Dear @gaiasilli ,
unfortunately we are not allowed to send you the PUK here in the forum, we are not allowed to do that for data protection reasons. As @o2_Tobias already mentioned, the only way is to call the hotline, because you are abroad we cannot send you a new SIM card with new PIN & PUK by Post (this is only possible for addresses in Germany). The PUK may also only be called after you have given your personal customer code to the hotline.
You no longer have the card with which the SIM card was delivered to you? The PIN and PUK are also printed on it.
Kind regards,