Hello, I need some help here..
Seriously I’m getting a stroke because of your company.
So firstly, I am using Prepaid card, which called O2 Loop.
As you can see from the picture (Below), on 13th January I topped-up 15 Euro for the LOOP, which cost 9.99 Euro.
And Somehow, O2 did not book my tarif but just took my money.
I did not get what I payed for, and my Guthaben was 7 Euro. Can you believe this?
I wanted to contact you guys immediately but I kenw it is going to take long time so I just kinda ignored it..!!!
and I decided to change Anbieter so I got a new simcard but I wanted to keep the number of O2.
Because Otherwise, I have to do all the works to change my number for all my bank etc so .
So I topped-up 25 Euro agai, for Portierung, which was very stupid…..
Because this time, you guys automatically charged for the tarif, 9.99 Euro and
Now I only have 15 Euro, which is not enough for Portierung……..
And on top of this, I cancel the order through the mein O2 app, with a hope that you guys might refund me 9.99 Euro, but of course not.
Now I don’t have my tarif and my 9.99 Euro is just gone!!!
Can you feel me? Can you feel this frustration?’
First of all, I want my money back.
and Secondly, let me keep the god Dam* Numeber. Please. which means, please FREIGEBEN!!
Would be wonderful and I will not get a heart attack so you would save my life…
Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!