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Warum O2



I am willing to port my number 1766xxxxx576 from O2 to another network. Please help me release my number for portability. I have maintained more than 25€ as credit 


Best Regards,



Edit by o2_Katja: Moved from Prepaid to our English Community

Hi @Raykar ,


you can set the “opt-in” via the “Mein o2”-App:

Please take a look at his FAQ (it’s in german, sorry).

  1. Download the Mein o2 App and log in
  2. Choose: Tarif & Optionen -> Rufnummernmitnahme –> Rufnummer jetzt freigeben. The following site will show the data, which need to be entered on the site of the new provider. The “opt-In” will last for 30 days, the activation will be confirmed via SMS.

Best regards,


Deine Antwort