Warum O2

Plan not activated even after Recharge

  • 4 February 2021
  • 1 Antwort
  • 26 Aufrufe

I recharged my mobile and it is correctly showing in the Balance. However, the monthly plan amount is not deducted. Is there any option to activate the plan?

If plan is not activated, I am afraid it will deduct Non Plan charges which will be higher.

Please help !!


Lösung von o2_Tobias 9 February 2021, 19:03

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1 Antwort



welcome to our English Community. Thanks for your request concerning the top-up of your prepaid-card. 


I just had a look in your data. The package “o2 my Prepaid S” has been activated since 5th February 2021. You can use the package until 4th March 2021. 


As long as you have loaded enough credit on your card, the package will be prolonged automatically for further 28 days. 


I hope everything is clarified now for you. 


If you have any further questions, just feel free to contact us here. 


Loving greetings,



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