They have take advantage of you.
Hi @KostasPap1993,
welcome to our English community. I welcome you as a new customer at o2. I regret that you were not informed properly in one of our shops.
It may be that the device iPhone 11 pro was not in stock at the shop at that time.
What kind of contract did you sign? You see all of this in the document you signed.
Even though you did not get the device iPhone 11 pro in the shop, you can just order it here: At the moment, the iPhone 11 pro is on stock. So, after ordering you will receive the device within the next 5 working days.
I hope I already could help you with these suggestions. If you have further questions, just feel free to contact us here in our English community.
Loving greetings,
Hi @o2_Tobias
The contract that I have signed is
O2 my Home L for internet at home and for mobile is the o2 Free M Online,with the iPhone
Now as I said in my first post, in the shop they told me to wait to get the phone right away, I saw him with the boxes because he asked me also which color I would like
After that he went back inside and after 5 minutes came back and told me that something went wrong and couldn't accept the phone and told me that I can get it in three months!!
If I go to another shop with my contract papers , it will be possible to get it?
Because as I said they have also missed a letter on my email address and if they sent anything it couldn't be possible to see it!!
Best regards,
They take advantage of you! You will never get your iPhone.
Hi @KostasPap1993,
thanks a lot for your reply.
In order to check your data concerning your phone, I have just sent a private message via @o2_Support to you. Please reply there to my request.
Thanks a lot.
Loving greetings,
Hi @KostasPap1993 ,
if you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our English community. We are always ready to help you.
Do you already know PRIORITY ? Take a look 
Kind Regards,