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I want to cancel my contract because I am done with school and have moved back to my  country. Actually, the person who helped me open my account at Marienplatz Munich o2 office told me that the contract was for one year during which period i was in school for one year . I thought the contract will terminate after one year but apparently it did not. Now I have to terminate it myself. I do not have my Personal Identification Number that i need for the cancellation when i call to terminate (i have already sent my note to terminate). My question is, can i proceed without this PIN or do i need to do a new PIN. If yes, kindly advice me.


Second question is, this o2 person told my friends and i that we can cancel at anytime without any costs. Is this still the case?


Many thanks,



Dear @Esson ,


welcome to our community. :cherry_blossom:

I have arranged for you that your personal customer code will be sent to your contact address. You will receive it by post as soon as possible.

You have signed a contract for 24 months, so you usually can cancel it to the end of that period. When moving abroad, you can use this form: Cancellation of my mobile phone number due to moving abroad


Kind regards,


Dear @Esson ,


welcome to our community. :cherry_blossom:

I have arranged for you that your personal customer code will be sent to your contact address. You will receive it by post as soon as possible.

You have signed a contract for 24 months, so you usually can cancel it to the end of that period. When moving abroad, you can use this form: Cancellation of my mobile phone number due to moving abroad


Kind regards,


Thank you Andrea. I have changed my post office box though because I am no longer in Germany and my new address is 






Is it possible to also have it sent to me via email because of the urgency of this matter? My email address is

Also, I do not have my deregistration certificate yet, can I submit my travel documents plus the confirmation from my employer?


Many thanks,




(Address removed, o2 Michi)

Edit by o2_Andrea: Emailadresse unkenntlich gemacht

Thank you Andrea. I have changed my post office box though because I am no longer in Germany and my new address is 




Is it possible to also have it sent to me via email because of the urgency of this matter? My email address is

Also, I do not have my deregistration certificate yet, can I submit my travel documents plus the confirmation from my employer?


Many thanks,




(Address removed, o2 Michi)

Edit by o2_Andrea: Emailadresse unkenntlich gemacht

Dear @Esson ,


the dispatch by email is not possible. Only the dispatch by post to a German address, which is stored under My o2 as contact address, is permitted.
If you cancel in writing using the form, you do not need the customer code. In the letter you give your telephone number or customer number with the cancellation request and sign personally. This is sufficient.
Normally you will need the documents that are specified in the form. Please explain that you do not have them and attach your alternative. However, I cannot promise that your colleagues will accept this.


Kind regards,


Deine Antwort