Hello @priya123987 ,
welcome to our community!
Just so that I understand you correctly: You want to convert your prepaid sim to a postpaid o2 eSIM?
A conversion is not possible but you can deactivate your prepaid sim and book a new postpaid tariff.
The number can be ported to the new contract if you want to.
Do you have further questions?
Best regards,
Hello @o2_Manuela ,
Thank you for your reply :)
Yes, you understood it correct. My 2 questions are :
- If I canceled my O2 prepaid sim and booked a new O2 postpaid tariff I will loose my original number. I am looking for a way to carry same number forward in postpaid.
- what is the process to port the number to a new contract.
Kind Regards,
Hello @priya123987,
as my colleague @o2_Manuela has already written, you can port your SIM card from your prepaid card to your new postpaid tariff
To do this, you only need to have booked a new contract/tariff that is already active. Then you can have your prepaid number released for porting and initiate the porting to your new tariff. This process is free of charge.
You can find all the information here:
We can also support you with the process!
Kind regards
Hi @o2_Jessica ,
Thank you for the answer. However, I don’t find the option for porting in the link you have option.
According to your previous post (which is very helpful, thank you) . it says that “For porting, you only need to go to the menu item "Tarif & SIM-Karte" and then to the tab "Vertrag verwalten". There you will find "o2 Rufnummer zu einem anderen Anbieter mitnehmen”. This link will take you directly to the relevant menu item in Mein o2: Click here.
There you can directly release your phone number for porting. The process will then be confirmed and you can apply to transfer your number to another provider. Once the porting is completed, you will be assigned a new number until the end of the contract.”.
However, In my ‘Mine O2’, I dont see nay option as "o2 Rufnummer zu einem anderen Anbieter mitnehmen”, the only option available is ‘Rufnummer zu O2 mitnehmen’. So if I want to port from number from O2 to other service provider there is no option. So could you please help me with this.
Hello @priya123987,
Thank you for your detailed answer
I still have to ask a few things about it. In your original request, I understood that you wanted to transfer your prepaid number to a new o2 contract. And not to another provider.
Has this changed or have I possibly misunderstood?
Just to explain again in the direction I understood it: if you want to take your prepaid number with you, you have to have it released (so that it can be ported). Once you have your new contract with o2 and it is active, you can log in to My o2 with your new contract and apply to port your prepaid number to this new contract.
I am not quite sure whether I have understood the essence of your concern/demand. Therefore, please give me some feedback and also write your further question(s) again.
Kind regards
Hi @o2_Jessica,
Yes. my requirements are changed now and I would like to transfer my prepaid number to another provider. Hence can you please guide me to the process of how to release my number so that it can be ported.
Thank you.
Hello @priya123987,
in the My o2 app, you can release your phone number under “Tarif & Optionen” (tariff option) - “Rufnummernmitnahme” (Number portability) - “Rufnummer jetzt freigeben” (Release phone number now).
Feel free to let us know when everything has worked!
Kind regards