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Warum O2

Hello O2 community,


I am planning to travel to Tunisia, how can I still use my internet data?

Thanks !


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community

Hello O2 community,


I am planning to travel to Tunisia, how can I still use my internet data?

Thanks !


no, data usage in country group 3 is extremely expensive, so be careful.


You pay €12.29/MB for a frequency of 10 KB. Costs for data usage abroad are billed up to a maximum of €59.50 per billing period. From a data usage of approx. 5 MB per billing period, data usage abroad is no longer possible in the corresponding billing period.



*Ländergruppe 3: Kanada, Monaco, Tunesien, Türkei, USA (inkl. Puerto Rico und US Virgin Islands).

Hi @Akilus90 welcome in our community 💙

Using your prepaidcard is possible in Tunesia. The Rouming price list can be found directly on our homepage.

best regards

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