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Warum O2

Hello o2 Support team i have activated my sim card with data plan "o2 my Prepaid Max". i have received message from o2 for successfully activation my sim card, but internet don’t working.
when i sign in on my o2  i recieve this messege

"Bestellt, Bedingung für Aktivierung noch nicht erfüllt"

so what i can do now ?

Moved to Englisch Community / o2_Antje



Have you already received the welcome email from o2? It seems that the final activation of the SIM card has not yet happened. Or the booking of the pack hangs.


Contact the o2 prepaid customer care via hotline (0176/888 55 282) or use the o2 customer care chat:




Dear @Ruslan80 ,

welcome in our community :chipmunk:

Were you able to contact the hotline colleagues? Were they able to help you?

Kind regards,


Deine Antwort