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O2 Contract Termination - Moved out of Germany

  • 28 April 2020
  • 1 Antwort
  • 208 Aufrufe

Dear Sir/Ma'am, 

I would like to cancel my O2 plan, but I am not able to do so because I had to return back to my home country on 20 March when Germany entered a lockdown on 17 March. Because of this, I was not able to obtain my deregistration form for the contract termination. I understand that there will be a 3 month penalty instead of paying the full contract fee if I submit this form. Please advise what I may do because I will not return to Germany and I would like to cancel my plan. Can I provide you with other documents such as a new job contract and an email from the school requesting for our return? Can I also submit these documents to an email address? I am already back in my home country and I would not like to incur additional charges to mail these documents.

Also, I had to pay an extra month in April despite not using the plan because I was waiting for the rathaus to open. Would it be possible for me to simply pay the 3 month penalty fee and not for the month of April as well? Thank you.

Hi @Kaia,


welcome to our English community.


I understand your quick move because of the corona-virus.


If you like to terminate your contract because of moving abroad, please find here all instructions: how to cancel my contract because of moving abroad


As you can see in the cancellation form, we need the deregistration certificate from Germany. You can also order it online without coming back to Germany. Without the deregistration certificate it will not be possible for us to end your contract to an earlier date than 1st January 2022.


Do you plan to come back to Germany in a few months again? If this is the case, you have the possibility to suspend your contract for the time you do not use your contract in Germany. If you prefer this procedure, please fill out this form: suspending your contract


I hope I could help you with this information.


All the best to you and your family.


Loving greetings,




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