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O2 Contract cancellation

O2 is acting unethical, with horrible costumer service to foreigners.

Every time I contacted O2, took ages to answer, sometimes when they answered and heard my accent, they just hanged the phone or they just lied to avoid the discussion telling me what I wanted to hear.

Pre: I was 4 years O2 client, paying on time every month my contract. I am foreigner and since I hired O2, in dammtor Hamburg, the personal there told me I could cancel my contract at anytime if I leave Germany and without any kind of penalty. (1st lie)

In May 2018, had a phone contract to September 2018 of 22e a month.

In May I called, saying I want to cancel my contract because I am moving abroad in July. Operator said is no problem, and that I need my Abmeldung. I said that you are just allowed to Abmeldung days before or after I leave the country. Operator said no problem, I can send it by then. I expressed my concern because I do not want an extension of my contract. Operator said no problem, I am on time (more than 3 months before). (2nd Lie)

Before I could Abmelden (1 week before my departure) , I got a message from O2 that my contract is renewed automatically for 2 years more. Passing from 22e to 42e. When I explicitly said I DO NOT want my contract renewed (for whatever reason). (3rd Lie)

I called them, and of course they told me it was not a problem. That I can cancel still without penalty. Fact I knew was not true. But still horrible costumer service just getting rid of the problem. (4th Lie)

I moved to Mexico in July 26th and I elaborated my Abmeldung via post. I sent this document to O2 (email and post).

O2 answered time after and via post when I said I have no post address in Germany and they should contact me via email or phone, that I have to pay a penalty of 3 months for this cancellation with the new fee. (126 euro) of course that I refused and send them post (from mexico paying for international post) that I will not pay that, and that I agreed into paying the fair fee of 22e until the normal expiration of the contract (September 2018).

I answered a mail to them expressing this situation and I was ignored.

In October 2018 I got a charge from them with the debts, I answered a mail to repeat that I will not pay this penalty and that I was waiting for a proper contact from O2 to clear the situation.

The answer today is that my phone contract is actually not cancelled and is still running. That they require an Abmeldung (again) and they will cancel. That I have to pay everything from August to now, plus the penalty of 3 months. Or continue my contract until 2020.

The must ironic part is that they write... "If you leave Germany for good then you have to..."

I LIVE IN MEXICO SINCE JUNE and I have told them since May 2018.

As I said in my letters, it is not about the money. Is about your horrible service, your lies, and your poor service.

I have called more than 20 times since May, sent more than 5 letters, more than 10 emails, and still I cant get to a capable person to talk this situation. I hope someone of O2 with a bit of respect and will can help out with this situation.

I am looking now for legal assistance in this matter, it is unvelibable that I have to go through all this when I did everything on time, but there was no correct and on time communication from O2.
Hi @sheisseo2,

thanks for your message.

I understand that the procedure to cancel your contract because of moving abroad sounds confusing for you.

As you already have sent the deregistration note (Abmeldung) on 9th August 2018, I have good news for you:

  • I will cancel your contract on 9th November 2018.

Please be aware of the fact that you need to pay all the invoices until the 9th November 2018. An additional 3-month-charge will not be necessary to pay.

Does that not sound good for you?

Additionally, I see that you still have to pay for the phone HUAWEI MATE 10 LITE, BLACK until 19th December 2019.

Would you like to pay the rest of the open rates in one amount at once?

Please let me know your decision concerning your phone.

I hope I could be of help to you.

Loving greetings,

Dear Tobias,

First of all I thank you for your attention, I was desperate and O2 just send me generic answers to my questions without even looking into my situation so thousand thanks.

1.- regarding my Phone Huawei, I am a decent person and I always pay my debts (the real ones)

The phone was paid since 23.08.2018 from the account of Joanna B.:

SB-SEPA-Ueberweisung Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

XXXXXXX Hector R, Huawei Phone Payment



I want it to pay it since before but O2 took ages to give me the transfer data and my account was blocked to pay via online.

2.- My Abmeldung has date of 26th of July. Independently of the Abmeldung I requested the normal cancellation of my contract before was extended. The Abmeldung was just to try to cancel before and I belive the origin of all the confusion.

What I would be willing to pay, is my normal contract until the normal cancelation of my contract to September 2018.

• 2 months of 22e left. I paid last time July because O2 phone service told me my phone will be normal cancelled with my departure

Best regards and looking forward to your answer,

Hi @sheisseo2,

thanks for your quick reply.

First of all, I like to ask not to write any personal data here in our public community. Therefore, I had to change your message a bit (because of data security reasons).

Concerning your Huawei-phone: I did not mean to say that there are any difficulties in the payment. Everything is fine. If you like to pay the monthly rates for your phone until the end of your 24 months, this is also fine for me. Because of moving abroad, we cannot stop the rates for your Huawei-phone. I regret if there was some misunderstanding.

Concerning the cancellation of your tariff: Please be aware of the fact that we already moved a step towards your wishes by cancelling your contract already on 9th November 2018 without charging you with the 3-month-fee that you were informed about earlier.

Therefore, I cannot agree to cancel your contract already to September 2018.

I hope you understand our decision.

Loving greetings,

Dear Tobias,

What I meant is that I paid the phone since long time ago. The complete payment of the Huawei phone. I never expected that the phone would be canceled when I move abroad.

And I am sorry, I cannot accept to pay4 months of service with a new tariff of more than 40 euros. That would be more than 160 euros that I did not use and that I expressed ly said since May that I want to cancel.

Hope you understand the situation. And look for my payment done the 23 of August of more than 250 euros paying my Huawei phone.
Hi @sheisseo2,

oh sorry, I did not check the payments of your Huawei-phone. The payment will be enough to end your monthly payments for your Huawei-phone. Thanks a lot for that.

For the cancellation of your tariff, I have no possibility to end your contract earlier than the 9th November 2018.

I hope you understand that.

Loving greetings,

Dear Tobias,

As you see, I always have the will to solve my situation. And constantly o2 (phone costumer service specially) always lied to me and had a rude service with me as soon they heard my foreign accent. Things that i believe are unacceptable. Understand my situation and send my case to higher instances if necessary.

I pay always on time, I paid my phone as soon as O2 made it possible, I spent more than 40e in post letters from Mexico and long distance calls (sometimes they just hanged the phone).

For all these reasons I believe that O2 has to have the respect for my time and person and at least make an effort to make things correctly.

You are asking me to pay 4 months of 40 plus euros (new contract fee), almost 160 plus euros for a mistake that O2 did of not cancelling my contract since May when I called for the first time.

Apart from this Tobias, forgive me but i do not trust in what O2 says, because several times O2 told me something and then was something different. I understand what you say but then you tell me that my phone was not paid (it was). O2 writes me that my phone is cancelled and I have to paid penalty of 3 months, 2 months after I realize that my phone contract is actually not cancelled.

so tell me, how you can help me with this, and how you can assure me what you say.

Is nothing against you, I thank you for your personal attention. But it is just to many bad experiences by now.

Hopefully you can get back with a positive answer from O2, with something more Human and a formal letter stating the process and conditions to settle this.

Best regards and have a great weekend,

Hi @sheisseo2,

thanks for your reply.

We already changed your deactivation date from 9th November 2018 to 31st October 2018.

So, you contract will definitely end on 30th October 2018.

You will get a confirmation of your cancellation by e-mail.

Thanks a lot.

Loving greetings,

Thanks for the reply Tobias.

This solution, I thanks that finally o2 cancel my contract after trying for months

But I cannot accept to pay more than 150euros for a service I requested cancelation and a service that I did not use at all.
Dear Tobias,

As an update, I got a very aggressive letter in my OLD GERMAN ADDRSS from o2 mail accussing me of avoiding my responsibility and telling o2 will make a legal process against me. I have only been open and communicative with this and trying to solve my situation. Makes me extremely angry that o2 sends post to a place that I do not live anymore.

I responded to this letter to o2 by mail and I got an answer where Mr. S. Strobl tells me

"That your contract will be canceled earlier, we needed the following documents:

- a deregistration certificate of your present place of residence

- a notification of your new, foreign domicile

- alternatively to the registration certificate a confirmation of your new employer or landlord

- your approval for us to charge you the basic fee of three months

We waived in your case the confirmation of deregistration.

We will cancel your contract with the number XXXXXXXXX in advance to October 30th, 2018."

So obviously Mr. Strobl has no idea of my case, because all these documents were sent since July 2018. Also, this means my contract is over or not over by now? it is not clear. I continue getting these generic answers to my requests and mails.

Please clear my current situation and please inform me how this can be handled. I will not pay again 40 euros to send the same documents to Germany.

I want to know if my contract is cancelled. If this is confirmed, then I will try to discuss the second part concerning the payment.
Hi @sheisseo2,

thanks for your message.

I confirm that your contract definitely ended on 31st October 2018.

Until this date, you need to pay your normal invoices.

Loving greetings,

Dear Tobias,

Thanks for the answer, where can I see that my contract ended, I just login into the "mein O2" and I cant find that information.

You say I have to pay my normal invoices, but I have charges of:

  • Vorübergehende Sperrung Ihres mobilen Internets / Ihrer Datendienste - 24.08.2018 (zzgl.
  • Mahngebühr - 18.09.2018 (zzgl. 0% MwSt.) 0% 2,5000
  • Verbindungen
  • Plus a tariff that is double of what I had before O2 extended my contract even when I called several times and said I do not want to extend.

I want to know how much I would have to pay to get over with this problem and then I will consider if it is fair or not, and I will see how to proceed with this situation.

The least that O2 can do is:

August 2018 - O2 L - 24e

September 2018 - O2 L- 24e

Total: 48e,

Write a letter stating that paying this amount would end this situation, accepting O2 mistake and apologizing for the mistakes and rudeness of the phone costumer service.

I would pay this as soon as is written that is over and that I have a proof of this. More than that I would not pay and rather take this case to the next instance, consumers protection agency.

Best regards and have a nice weekend,

dear sheisseo2,

I see you have now contact to our customerservice. Your contract was deactivatet on October 31st. Was my colleague able to explain what sum you have to pay? Is your problem solved?

kind regards,

Dear Andrea,

The collages were nice to communicate with me, but were not able to prove that my contract was cancelled. Also I requested a written document where O2 proposes a solution for my case.

I am very angry. Today I was informed that a letter came to my old address in Germany (even if I told million times I do not live there). This letter is an open threat to me to pay more than 180 euros and it does not state anything about my cancellation.

Also, got the notice today and with expiration date of the 16.11 . It is ridiculous what O2 is doing with my case.

You say that I have to pay my open invoices. What is that? How much is that? And what guarantees I have?

If your negligence is accepted by me, then I owe:

August 22e

September 22e

Best wishes,

Hi @sheisseo2,

thanks for your reply.

I regret that we cannot send you a cancellation confirmation by e-mail. It is only possible by letter.

But I have ordered a confirmation from our cancellation department now. As soon as the letter is produced, I will send the letter by e-mail to you.

Thanks a lot for your patience.

Loving greetings,

Hi @sheisseo2,

concerning your open amount, I just have sent you a private message from o2_Support.

I hope I could be of help to you.

Loving greetings,

At the ended was this negotiated and I already paid. I am very dissapointed with O2. Fortunately I have no problems paying this unfair fee.

O2 should improve its costumer service for foreigners and honestly o2 does not now what is happening. Even yesterday that I negotiated this payment the o2 personal told me I have to pay my phone (that was paid in August completely).

There are a lot of people in bad situation and I can think that something like this is hell for them. I urge O2 to treat costumers as people and not as animals

I hope now everything is settled and O2 can send a confirmation to me via email or to my Mexican address.
Hallo @sheisseo2,

we continue our communication via private message.

Loving greetings,

Good day, I want to cancel my o2 sim 2 years contract because there's no internet network in my town. I had already sent 4 letters to the neuburg address with no positive feedback. Is there another way for me to be able to cancel the contract?
Hey @Pretty7,

your letters have reached us. There were also several reply letters sent to your contact address.

I'm sorry to say that a cancellation out of good will to an eralyer date is not possible. A mobile contract is not stationary local contract. You can use it in germany or any other EU countray.


I will like to know if I can convert my sim contract to a wifi contract instead, I mean if I can collect a wifi pack in place of my sim since I can use my sim card in my home area?
I will like to know if I can convert my sim contract to a wifi contract instead, I mean if I can collect a wifi pack in place of my sim since I can use my sim card in my home area?

Hi Pretty7.

I am sorry, i am afraid that is not possible.

Best Matze


I would like to cancel my subscription as I am urgently recalled back to my home country due to COVID-19 situation and I have the necessary supporting documents. I have downloaded the o2 cancellation form and already posted the documents for my Abmeldung. In the cancellation form, I saw that we have to pay 3 months cancellation fee. I do not remember being informed by the customer service about this cancellation fee but if that is the case, I would like to appeal for the waiver of this fee due to the emergency situation. Please advise on the procedure for this appeal.


Thank you!



I would like to cancel my subscription as I am urgently recalled back to my home country due to COVID-19 situation and I have the necessary supporting documents. I have downloaded the o2 cancellation form and already posted the documents for my Abmeldung. In the cancellation form, I saw that we have to pay 3 months cancellation fee. I do not remember being informed by the customer service about this cancellation fee but if that is the case, I would like to appeal for the waiver of this fee due to the emergency situation. Please advise on the procedure for this appeal.


Thank you!


# Mods


Hi @Ali Khan,


thanks for your message.


Please be aware of the fact that it does not make much sense to write different messages concerning the same issue.


I already replied to you in this message:


All the best to you.


Loving greetings,
