My O2 HomeSpot only has a 2MBps speed. Even though all the lights are blue and I live on the 19th floor. I can absolutely do nothing with this connection speed.
What Can I do? I have an unlimited contract, but still can’t get to enjoy my money.
edit o2_Tobias: transferred from o2 HomeSpot to our English Community
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Hi @Blessed_66,
I welcome you to our English Community. Thanks for your patience.
I regret that you are not happy with your o2 HomeSpot.
Did you already have a look in our online Livecheck in order to see if there are any connection issues in your area? If you do not see any hindrances, please click on the button “Ich stimme nicht zu” after entering the complete usage address in order to send a request to our technical department. Our technicians will then check everything for you and will inform you by SMS.
Did you already try to place your o2 HomeSpot near to the window?
I hope that these suggestions are already helpful for you.
Loving greetings,
I have checked the online Livecheck. Since the last 3 weeks, its been saying “Eine Basisstation in der Nähe meldet Einschränkungen.” meaning there’s a problem in the area.
I called your customer care also, they also just told me they will send me a message when they are done. Till now, they never sent any message.
I think its really poor of a Network like O2. I use this internet for work and for many other things and now I’m just basically stranded because O2 cannot fix their problems on time.
Its really annoying!
Hello @Blessed_66,
can you send us the postcode again where you notice the restrictions? If it is a technical problem, such as a base station that is not working properly, then we have no recourse in this area. Depending on what happened there, it can be a minor technological problem, but it can also be a major problem. We can all only speculate. Unfortunately, I have to ask for a little patience.
Are you no longer able to use any data as a result of this, or what exactly are your restrictions?
Kind regards, Jessica
The Postcode is 13051, Berlin.
The connection is very poor, I can’t do any major thing on my laptops or TV. It takes forever. Even the box having all blue lights.
Hi @Blessed_66,
thanks for your reply. I understand that you are not happy about the disturbances.
I just had a look: 2 basestations near your contact address broke down.
Our technicians are doing their best to repair this as quickly as possible.
I hope that you will be able soon to use LTE normally again. Please, have still some more patience.
Loving greetings.,
Thank you for message.
How long will this repair take? You should be able to specify a time! I already waited for 3 weeks already!
I think I deserve a compensation because I can’t use my internet normally. This disturbance has caused me money.
Hi @Blessed_66,
thanks for your quick reply.
Of course, I understand that you like to know the end-date of the connection-issues.
You will be informed by SMS as soon as our technicians have repaired the base stations. I have no further more detailed information for you. Therefore, I ask you for more patience.
As a compensation you will receive a credit of 50% for one month.
I hope that you agree to this solution and I hope that you can soon use the internet-connection again.
Loving greetings,
ok. Thanks for your message.
I hope this problem is solved quick. I’m tired of this situation already.
How do I redeem the discount or is it automatically deducted from my next monthly pay?
Hi @Blessed_66,
I understand how you feel.
You are right, the credit will be balanced with your next bill.
Loving greetings,
I don’t think anyone in Berlin has a worse internet connection than this!…..Really Really Frustrating!
Hi @Blessed_66,
I understand your disappointment.
Do you already see any improvements until now?
Loving greetings,
No, Improvements whatsoever.
The internet is still very bad.
Hi @Blessed_66,
thanks for your quick reply.
Our technicians are still at work.
Therefore, we need to wait until the work is ended.
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