Warum O2

o2 app, number already registered

  • 22 October 2019
  • 1 Antwort
  • 597 Aufrufe

I've added a second phone (myhandy)n on a new o2 free  contact to my existing account. It's not showing up in the o2 app from my existing contract, except as a completed order. When I try to register for the o2 App with the new phone number on the new phone, it says an o2 account already exists for this number. What can I do? I'd like the app on the new phone, and was hoping, as it's another contract although paid by me, I would get a second set of o2 bonuses (I like the o2 Videobusters for example, another film per month would be great!)



Lösung von o2_Jan 23 October 2019, 20:39

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1 Antwort

Hi @bmot,

welcome to the o2 community! :relaxed:

As your question appeared in the other thread already, I will close this one in order to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.

Best regards,