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Warum O2


I will be writing this in English as my writing German is not great.

I will do my best to describe my problem.


I have the Home M 50mb LTE of unlimited data.

For a week now, my router randomly loses connection many times per day for no apparent reason and i have to log into to put my password and pin to start it again, it wont come back on its own.


(Having to access to start it again is normally only necessary when i restart the router, such as unplugging the power)


I have this internet for 3 months and it never gave me this kind of issue before.


Please, is there anything i can do? It’s so frustrating to have to go into my router’s menu 20 times per day.


Hi @frunzy092


welcome to our English Community. Nice to meet you here. 


I regret that your o2 Homespot is not working as expected. 


As you are asked several times a day for your password and PIN, just follow the following instructions: ​​


  • please enter or into your browser
  • select "Connectivity / Cellular Settings"(Konnektivität/ Mobilfunk Einstellungen) in the menu

  • In the "Connect automatically" section (Automatisch verbinden), make sure that the "Activate" checkbox is chosen (Aktivieren)


I hope that with this instruction, you will not be asked so often for your PIN anymore. 


Loving greetings,



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