Warum O2

My Handy Premature Payment / Contract Termination

  • 26 January 2018
  • 0 Antworten
  • 8148 Aufrufe
My Handy Premature Payment / Contract Termination
Benutzerebene 7

In case you want to end your MyHandy installment plan prematurely you’ll find all necessary information here again in detail.


  • Premature payment is allowed if there are no outstanding amounts
  • The balance has to be settled by the payment method you used before



If your payment method is direct debit:


If your payment method is bank transfer:

  • Fill in the form which you find here: Click and send to:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg



The form is only available in German. You need to fill in the following information:

  • personal information of the contractor
  • MyHandy contract number (you'll find it in your documents about the phone)
  • bank information for the debit (if necessary)
  • (only if the contract owner differs from the owner of the bank account): personal information of the bank account holder
  • signature

Afterwards you'll get a letter confirming the process, mentioning also the remaining open amount.





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Latest Update: 02/2023: Link updated

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