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Hello Team,

I placed an order for multicards which according to my account, have been sent. I have not received them yet but I keep getting reminders to activate them. I have accidentally activated it.

Can you please check the status on when they were mailed out to my address and an estimated time of arrival


edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community: Mobile

Hi @Kommi ,


there´s no available tracking für SIM-Cards, I´m afraid.

If you´ve already received the reminder, the card should be on the way (no reminder without the confirmation from the logistic department).


Have you received the SIM in the meantime?


Viele Grüße,


Hi @o2_Kurt ,

I have not received O2 multicard yet. 


Can you please cancel and deactivate the multicard? Please resend the multicard.



Hello @Kommi,


I have deactivated the old multicard and ordered a new one for you. Please let us know if you haven’t received it within 7 days.


Kind regards


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