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Warum O2


I bought an iPhone 11 with sim card and Applewatch and activated esim on it.

I wish to cancel the esim, the multicard. and keep only the main sim.

is that possible?

I am not talking about deactivating the esim, i want to cancel it completely so no more charges for it.



Hello @Mr.tam :relaxed:


the deactivation of a multicard results in the cancellation of this service and the fee.

Did you maybe already deactivate the sim? If not, we need to send you a private message for the customer data to cancel the sim.


Best regards,


Hello, i dont know how to deactivate the multicard.

will you please do that for me?



Hi @Mr.tam 

Please sent us your mobile phone number, your 4 digit code aka persönliche Kundenkennzahl

and the number of the simcard you want us to cancel for you via private message to our  @o2_Support  User

and we will arrange everything for you.

Best regards Matze 

Hi @Mr.tam 

We have deactivated the eSIM 8949XXXXXXXXXXXX171 for you.

Best regards Matze

Thank you :relaxed:

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