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Warum O2

Dear O2 Team,

I have purchase iphon14 pro as contract. and every month I am paying installment. I am trying to get mobile monthy installment invoice. But could not able to get.

Could you please help me to download the monthly installment invoice.




Edit o2_Sven 29.01.2024/15:56: Moved from o2 Mobilfunk: Rechnung to English o2 Community: Mobile

Hello @itendra ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

Have you registered the myHandy contract to mein o2? You can view the installment plan there directly.


Kind regards, Sven

Dear Sven,

I have registered to myHandy contract but there I can see only my installment. 
I want to download the invoice for each installment, Which I am not able to download.




Hello @itendra ,

as this is about an installment plan for a hardware that always has the same amount each months, there are no separate Invoices apart from the initial plan that details your monthly cost.


Kind regards, Sven

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