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Warum O2

Hola hice un pedido de un chip y nada que me llega eso fue hace varias semanas. Ahora deseo cancelar el pedido.


Edit by o2_Manuela: Verschoben von Digitales Wohnzimmer: Der Community-Treffpunkt → English o2 Community: Mobile

Hello @Andresperdomo , 

welcome to our community! 😊

We can continue in english if that is okay with you. 

Did you received a confirmation of the order via e-mail?

A cancellation can be made within 14 days after the order.


Best regards, 


Moin Moin,

Hay una guía en el siguiente enlace.


Hello @Andresperdomo,

So that everyone can follow, I will translate her first contribution into English here:
“Hi, I placed an order for a chip and I have not received it for several weeks. Now I want to cancel the order.”

The information for revocation is also available in English. You can find it here:

Has everything worked so far? Were you able to cancel the contract or the order?

Kind regards
Jessica 🌷

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