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Mein O2 account blocked and I can’ t get sms due to sim card failure

Hi, I have got prepaid sim card. My account blocked due to wrong password login and I can’t get sms because my sim card doesn’t work. How can I unlock my account without sms? Unfortunately there is no english speaking hotline nr for prepaid card. Is anyone know solution or have experienced similar situation?

19 Antworten

Hello @Tfn77,

welcome to our o2 Community 😊

The new password can only sent to you via text message, so you would have to order a new SIM card for this number first. If you agree to the charges (EUR 9,98 EUR) I will send you a private message for further data exchange.

Best regards



I have already ordered a new SIM card weeks ago but it didn’t come.So yes I agree charges, lets do what is necessary

Hello @Tfn77,

I have sent you a private message, please have a look in your personal inbox.

Best regards


Hello @Tfn77,

I wanted to ask again whether you have received the replacement card in the meantime and whether there is anything else we can do for you.

Best regards


Hi Giulia, sim card has arrived yesterday. What will we do from now? Because my O2 account blocked I can’t activate by myself.I will be on a trip next a few days, if you need puk nr or other numbers of new sim card, I can give.

Hello @Tfn77,

I have sent you a private message in order to activate your sim card 😊

Best regards


Hello i have problem in my new samsung galaxy s24  ultra and new sim card O2 i can't send SMS i don't know where is the problem please can you help me? 

Hi @jasonkieran,


thanks for your message. I regret that you have problems to send SMS-messages.


I have just checked everything. We did not block in our systems anything so that you cannot send text messages.


Please use this link: SMS configurations You first of all need to choose the device you have. Afterwards please follow the step-by-step instructions.


I hope that this suggestion will be of help to you.


Loving greetings,


Hello sir I have problem in my new sim card and new phone samsung s24 ultra I can't send any SMS I don't where's the problem 

edit o2_Gerrit 16.05.2024 13:17 double posting moved to this thread

edit o2_Gerrit 16.05.2024 13:17  answer to double posting moved to this thread

Hello @Abdelkadir Laroussi,

welcome to our o2 community 🙂

That is unfortunate that you cannot send SMS with your new SIM card. Do you have the service center number +491760000443 in your contacts? This is neccessary for SMS to be send.

Can you in general not send any SMS? When you try, are you shown any error message?

Do you receive SMS, but cannot send SMS?

Do you have Multicard SMS with your new contract?

Best Regards,



Hello. Yes i have the service centre number 

And yes i can't send in general any SMS to any one i tried with all my contacts 

When i try i receive SMS from 999 

About receiving sms from people i didn't try but i can't send. 

About Multicard SMS i don't know what is that .

Best Regards, 

Abdelkadir Laroussi 

Hello @Abdelkadir Laroussi,

I have sent you a private message where you can answer and write us information to give to the colleagues of our technical department  as an error report which they will resolve.

After having answered via private message please also tell us shortly in this thread 🙂

Best Regards,


Hello @Abdelkadir Laroussi,

I have issued an error report with our technical department. The colleagues will get back to you - usually via SMS - as fast as possible.

Best Regards,



The problem with sending SMS always there and i asked about help but nothing, what i can do now? 


I put the Sim card in other phone it's ok with sending SMS but in the new Samsung galaxy s24 ultra i can't send 

Hello, i have problem i can't send SMS to anyone in my new phone Samsung galaxy s24 ultra but when i put the Sim card in other phone i can send SMS without problem. So where is the problem here? And i asked so many times here but nothing. Please i need help 

edit o2_Gerrit 27.05.2024 13:02 moved to existing topic

@ Mods

wieder mal doppelt


@Abdelkadir Laroussi 


I put the Sim card in other phone it's ok with sending SMS but in the new Samsung galaxy s24 ultra i can't send 

please check the manual, if it works with another cell phone, it is not an O2 problem

What do you mean checking the manual 

Hello @Abdelkadir Laroussi,

if you can not send SMS only with the S24 Ultra, the reason can be with settings which you can check via the manual of this Galaxy model.

Best Regards,


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