Dear O2 team,
I cancelled my contract as I left Germany and paid my last bill. However, I noticed on my O2 page the appearance of a new bill of 1.2 € defined as “Mahngebühr”. According to the invoice this was to be taken from my german bank account (that doesn’t exist anymore, so it failed I guess) on 9/9/2021.
What will happen now? Will these fees start to pile up as the payments attempts fail?
What should I do? Notice also that I did not receive any invoice via mail.
Best Regards
Hi @mrcs,
nice to meet you again here in our English Community.
I combined the 2 threads here. Please do not open several threads for the same topic.
As the direct debit failed, please transfer the open amount as soon as possible. You will then get another invoice with a dunning fee (Mahngebühr) and a return debit fee (Rücklastschriftgebühr). On the next invoice you see until when exactly you need to pay the invoice. It is absolutely important that you pay the open amount until that date (the open amount has to be at o2 until this date).
Otherwise, you will continue to get invoices.
I hope the information is helpful for you.
Loving greetings,