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Warum O2


On 1st of August 2022 Im leaving the country forever, Im closing my bank account, de-registering my address and everything. Because some big personal problems, Im moving back to Bosnia&Herzegovina.(non EU country).

I already cancelled all my contracts, my wlan contract with vodafone, they told me they understand my situation and they won’t make me any issues and as of 1st of Aug I don’t have to worry.

Only thing thats left is my O2 contract, because Im paying some ‘O2 S Boost Plus’ tariff for my mobile phone. I had a contract since 03/2020 until 03/2022 and it got extended for 1 more year I think. So now I need to terminate that because Im moving out so can you tell me what to do to end my contract. Im not planning to come back to Germany ever, I lived here for 3 years now Im going out of the country.

Thanks in advance.

After the two years minimum term the contract can be terminated with one month's notice.

How do I do that? Can’t find any email or anything.

You send a letter to o2 requesting termination. The address is shown on every invoice.

Hello @Djolel0 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

If your contract is being extended automatically by one month because the initial term has run out then you can just send in a request for the cancellation. You can send it via post or fax, you also have the option of setting a “Kündigungsvormerkung” in your mein o2 for the contract and then call the number that you are being shown there afterwards for the cancellation.

If you extended your contract at one point for an additional two years and it would still be running past August, you can still cancel your contract as you are leaving the country completely. Take a look here concerning all the information you need to do this.


Kind regards, Sven

Hallo Sven,


listen mate, I am leaving this country forever. I will never come back, I am moving to a non EU country; my homeland. 
My bank account will be closed on August 5th. I payed all my invoices in time. I don’t have any debt towards anyone. 
I see that this document asks me to first send my de-registration form and notification from my new employer or landlord. Listen dude, I don’t have new employer or landlord. I live in my own house and I ain’t sending anything to anyone.


I will just fill out this cancellation form and write a letter and thats it.
From August 5th I am not living in Germany and I don’t have bank account, adress, health insurance or anything. I live in a different part of Europe. i payed all my bills and invoices. Thank you very much and goodbye.



Hello @Djolel0 ,

you can send either the registration for your new adress or something like a notification from your new employer or landlord.

We are only advising and answering your question, everything concerning the cancellation itself is done by a different department.


Kind regards, Sven

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